
Curiosity Keeps Runner on the Move
Ryan Spelman ’20 came to UNH with a deep curiosity for the world around him and a desire to study science.
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A Diagnosis Leads to New Priorities
After his completing his third undergraduate degree, Jason Alme 21', 24'G has a powerful motivator to complete his master's degree in nutrition.
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High Speed Accomplishment
Haley Neal ’19 has fit a lot of learning into the three years she’s been at UNH – so much so, that the nutrition major will be graduating a year early.
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Into the Woods
Zachary Simino ’19 wants to preserve and protect New Hampshire’s forests, and the forest technology program is giving him the foundational knowledge and hands-on experience he needs for success.
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Celebrating Food as a Source of Nourishment, Joy and Connection
Sarah Dramstad '20 is a nutrition major: dietetics option who not only wants people to be healthy. She wants people to love and enjoy food.
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Space to Fail, Motivation to Succeed
Andy DeMeo isn't afraid to fail, and that just may be the secret to his success.
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An Introvert No More
The once-reserved Zach Beckwith '19 is a different person than he was when he arrived on campus, thanks to a newfound confidence.
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From New Hampshire to Alaska
Deborah Rudis, a UNH wildlife biology major from the class of 1975, has found herself a long way from Durham.
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A Childhood Fascination Becomes a Life’s Work
Driven by an insatiable curiosity and love of insects, Breanne (Bre) Aflague is preparing for a future that satisfies both.
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Marble Scholar and Model of Perseverance
Katie Anderson ’20 was recently awarded the prestigious Charles F. Marble Scholarship — the first Biomedical Science: Medical Laboratory Science major to achieve the honor — and joined COLSA's growing cohort of Marble Scholars.
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Finding Her Niche, Following Her Passion
Kaitlyn LeClair ’19 rode Morgan horses for 10 years before she arrived at UNH and discovered her love of the breed displaced by a new interest: cows.
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Third Generation Dairy Farmer Takes His Knowledge to a New Level
Following graduation, Nathan Adams ’20 will be joining his father at his family’s 515-cow dairy farm in Westmoreland, NH.
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