The status of this property is being assessed; please contact the Woodlands Office directly for any additional information.

From Durham, take Route 4 West to Concord. Route 4 merges with Route 93 North. Follow Route 93 North and turn off at Exit 17; this is Route 4 west once again. Follow this road through the towns of Boscawen, Salisbury, Wilmot, Danbury and finally to Grafton. A short way after passing a general store (on the right), the road passes over a bridge that goes over railroad tracks. Turn left on Riddle Hill Road. If you see Kilton Pond on your left you have gone too far! Drive approximately 1/2 mile to an intersection. Turn left (on Williams Hill Rd., there is no sign). The road to the right has a sign that says Ruggles Mine Road. Follow Williams Hill Road about 1/2 mile. A gray house is on the left. You are now at the Burnham Lot.
APPROXIMATE LOCATION: N 43°34.278', W 71°58.895'