The following regulations are excerpted and adapted from the University of New Hampshire's Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities for use in UNH-in-Italy.
The University has the right to expect that students, as members of the academic community, will conduct themselves in ways that are consistent with the educational mission of freedom to learn and that they will respect the rights of their fellow citizens. Any departure from these standards that can be shown to be injurious to UNH-in-Italy's pursuit of its normal activities may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which could include dismissal from UNH-in-Italy.
These include but may not be limited to the following:
- cheating in course work
- dishonesty before a judicial body
- possession or use of hazardous weapons or substances, including fireworks and guns, on college property
- lack of respect for others (including verbal abuse, harassment of another person, fighting, sexual harassment or assault, physical assault)
- use of physical force or threat of physical force in obstructing activities of other members of the program
- the possession, trafficking, or use on college property of any illegal drug
- creating fire hazards or making false fire alarms on college property
- tampering with fire-safety equipment
- failure to evacuate or properly report hazardous or serious incidents
- indulging in lewd or indecent behavior in public
- theft
- trespassing and/or unauthorized entry on any college-held property or on a specific area to which access isusually denied to students in general (such as a student room) or to certain students (such as unauthorizeduse of showers, bathrooms, etc. by members of the opposite sex when such access is explicitly denied)
- destruction, damage, misuse or defacement of property
- misconduct, damage, or loss caused by guests for whom a student is host
- illegal gambling
- disturbing the peace by making unreasonable noise, which includes but is not necessarily limited to the use of mechanical and amplifying equipment
- failure to adhere to established in-house regulations when properly publicized by the responsible UNH-in-Italy officers, particularly when they concern subjects such as health, safety, building operations, and standards of behavior
The On Site Director of UNH-in-Italy shall serve as hearing officer or "judicial body." She or he will take care to observe the right of every student to due process (as defined in the University of New Hampshire's Student Rights, Rules, and Responsibilities). The student may appeal the Director's decision by immediate petition to the Associate Dean of his/her academic college.
Letter Of Censure: This is to be sent to the student and to the dean of students at his or her home institution.
Jeopardy: A student in jeopardy shall be suspended for a specified period of time and have that suspension stayed with the understanding that further violations may mean the immediate activation of the suspension.
Suspension And Dismissal: As indicated in UNH-in-Itay's Agreement Release, UNH has the right to terminate with no refund of fees a student's participation in the program for failure to maintain appropriate standards of conduct or for any action which UNH considers to be detrimental to or incompatible with the interest, harmony, and welfare of other students.
Relations with Civil Authorities
Students are separately accountable both to civil law and to standards of conduct maintained by UNH. When these areas of jurisdiction overlap, it is appropriate for the institution to take steps in protecting its own interests. Therefore, UNH-in-Italy reserves the right to follow its normal adjudicatory process whenever a student is accused of a criminal act that also violates UNH-in-Italy policy.