Halle Derouin is a nutrition: dietetics major and a culinary nutrition and food studies minor. She is enrolled in the accelerated nutritional sciences master’s program (MSDI) and will receive her graduate degree one year after receiving her bachelor’s.
COLSA: What is your nutrition option and why did you choose it as your major?
Halle Derouin: I am currently a dietetics student within the nutrition program at UNH. I have always had a passion for cooking and nutrition throughout my life since I was involved in sports most of my childhood.
During my junior year of high school, one of my teachers had us do an assignment that involved looking into potential career options for our future. I knew I wanted to work with kids but wasn't sure in which way. I googled "jobs with children" during one class period and "child nutritionist" was something that came up. The rest is history. I was dedicated to learning as much as I could related to the profession and then chose UNH to further my education.

COLSA: Why, in your own view, is nutrition important?
Halle: Everyone needs food, there is no doubt about that. There are so many ways that food integrates itself into our lives, and proper nutrition is the foundation of good health. Nutrition allows us to point out inequality throughout communities and thus allow for change to occur. Nutrition allows us to prevent certain diseases and conditions. Nutrition allows us to better our bodies in a multitude of ways. Nutrition will never cease to exist so there will always be more to learn.
COLSA: What do you love about the nutrition program at UNH?
Halle: The nutrition program at UNH is integrative, interactive and supportive. The resources allow for students to practice and perfect their trade in a setting close to the ones we will experience after college. The faculty members within the nutrition program are always there to assist students throughout their journey. The coursework pushes students to their greatest potential. The nutrition program at UNH has allowed me to overcome barriers that seemed impossible to climb over before.
COLSA: What do you plan to do with your degree?
Halle: After completing my bachelor's and master's degrees, I will complete a dietetic internship. I am unsure as to where at this moment. I would then like to involve myself in a few years of clinical work to gain base knowledge. I would then like to focus my continuing education in pediatric nutrition. I would then possibly work in a clinical setting with children or I would work in a small clinic with children.
COLSA: If you could offer one bit of nutrition advice, what would it be?
Halle: Food is there for a reason. Eat everything in moderation, and eat a variety of foods each and every day.
Learn More
Nutriton Major: Dietetics Option
Culinary Nutrition and Food Studies
Nutritional Sciences: Dietetic Internship M.S.
Celebrating 100 Years of Nutrition Graduates
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