The Horticulture Farm woodlot is located between the Durham main campus and U.S. Route 4. It contains 155.5 acres of forestland, with 125.5 acres classified as upland and 30 acres of wetlands. Although white pine is the predominant tree species, a diverse mix of vegetation can be found, including unusual varieties in historical plantations that can be traced back to 1918.
The Horticulture Farm provides a natural laboratory for all fields of natural resources in both two and four year programs.
The primary block of land that constitutes the Horticulture Farm came into University ownership in 1917. At that time much of the land was open. Some remained as fields through the 1940's, a large portion of it being used for poultry range. Although much of the land was eventually allowed to revert to forest, the Woodman Horticulture research farm, a NH Agricultural Experiment Station facility, has flourished since nearly the beginning.
Present Use
Recent activities on the Horticulture Farm woodlot include equestrian education and events and regular timber harvesting related to natural resource management and education. The combination of its proximity to campus and active mangement make it a popular destination for field laboratory classes.
From Pettee Hall in Durham, take a left at the New Hampshire Hall intersection and travel about 1 mile until you come to the intersection near the USFS building. At the intersection take a right onto Mast Road and then take your first left. Go right at the next intersection and continue on this road going past the old reservoir. Go to the top of the hill and you'll see an orchard and garden. This is the "Horti" Farm.
Approximate Location : 43°08'59.7"N 70°56'33.4"W