
We are here to help you open more doors.

At the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, we have scholarships available specifically for our undergraduate students in addition to the aid available through the university. Whether you’re planning to study forestry, animal science, agriculture — or our many other innovative programs — we have specific scholarships that could be a perfect fit.

Our goal is to make your success possible. Learn more today about what we have to offer you.

Undergraduate Scholarships


COLSA Students Are Notified By
UNH Email When
The Scholarship Application Process Is Open



If you have been recently admitted to COLSA but are not currently attending, you will be eligible to apply for COLSA scholarships once you are an enrolled/attending student during Spring Semester.

Check with your department’s main office for additional scholarships that may be available in your department. Be mindful of deadlines; late applications will not be accepted — no exceptions.

Listed below are several scholarships available to undergraduate students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and the Thompson School of Applied Science. Eligibility requirements are given for each scholarship. The amount of awards varies from year to year. Please read the scholarship descriptions carefully and apply only for scholarships for which you are eligible. For example, if you are an out-of-state student do not apply for scholarships that are only eligible to in-state students. Do not apply for all scholarships – be selective. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from consideration. Don’t let that happen to you!

  • Scholarship information and applications will be emailed to all currently enrolled COLSA Students during Spring Semester
  • The email will be sent to COLSA Students UNH Email and will contain directions and due date for applying
  • All application forms should be emailed to:
  • Check in your Department’s Main Office for additional scholarships that may be available in your department.
  • Applications sent by the COLSA Dean's Office are not online
  • NOTE: If a criterion of eligibility states that financial aid will be considered, applicants must have an approved FAFSA form on file in the Financial Aid Office.


* Denotes that the scholarship is available to both College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and Thompson School of Applied Science students.

  • *Albert H. Brown Fund
    To assist worthy students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and the Thompson School of Applied Science.
  • Callahan Family Scholarship
    To provide financial support for undergraduate students enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture.
  • Marietta & Jane Carr Endowed Fund
    To provide financial assistance to undergraduate students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture who are residents of New Hampshire.
  • Dickie Family Scholarship
    To provide scholarship support to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture.
  • Stephen W. And Helen H. Dyer Memorial Scholarship
    A varying number of awards to full-time undergraduates in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Awards are made on the basis of academic achievement and financial need.
  • Clyde and Isabelle Eaton Scholarship Fund
    Financial assistance to a full-time, upper-class undergraduate in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, who is interested in animal sciences, plant biology, or environmental horticulture, and who exhibits academic achievement. Financial need is not a factor.
  • Andrew L. Felker Scholarship
    Awarded to a worthy student enrolled the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture from a New Hampshire farm.
  • Foster Scholarship
    This scholarship provides financial assistance to undergraduates based on merit. Preference is given to students graduating from Spaulding High School in Rochester, New Hampshire.
  • Martha and Theodore Frizzell Fund
    Open to undergraduate students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. 
  • George T. “Gus” Gilman Endowed Scholarship
    To provide scholarship assistance to New Hampshire residents who are full-time undergraduate students at the University of New Hampshire. Recipients must be interested in problems of importance to the state of New Hampshire. Preference will be given to students with specific interests in economics, the environment, wildlife, or other aspects affecting the quality of life in New Hampshire. Recipients shall be selected who exhibit promise and motivation to provide leadership and service to the state of New Hampshire. Financial need is not a factor for consideration in making awards.
  • Huntington Family Scholarship
    Provides merit based scholarship support to students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture with a preference for students who demonstrate leadership skills and are majoring in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, Animal Science or for students with an interest in agriculture. 
  • Basil and Alice Johnson Scholarship
    Aid to one or more Junior or Senior students interested in one of the following fields: animal sciences, biochemistry, biology, environmental horticulture, forestry, microbiology, plant biology and zoology. The recipient(s) must have attended one of the three public high schools in Manchester, New Hampshire. Outstanding academic achievement and personal leadership are criteria for awards. Financial need is not to be considered a factor.
  • *Keener Family Scholarship
    The Keener Family Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance to graduates of Oyster River High School (Durham, New Hampshire) enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture or the Thompson School of Applied Science. This scholarship is need based.
  • Lewis Scholarship in Sustainability Studies
    Supports students from Kensington or Exeter, New Hampshire who are pursuing studies focused on sustainability or who will attend a sustainability-related study abroad program.
  • Barbara M. Lucier Memorial Scholarship
    Based on academic achievement and financial need, this scholarship provides support for students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture with preference to students in wildlife, the plant sciences, forestry, and animal and nutrition sciences.
  • Charles F. Marble Scholarship
    A need-based scholarship that provides meritorious support for students enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Preference is given to residents of New Hampshire.
  • Dr. Lorus and Marjorie Milne Scholarship
    A need-based scholarship available to students in the biological sciences.
  • Marty Mitchell Scholarship
    Provides assistance to junior or senior students studying in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Preference is given to students in the Vocational Technical Agricultural Education Program. Student must be New Hampshire residents. Financial need it not a factor.
  • New England Farm & Garden Undergraduate Scholarship
    Provides a scholarship to a Junior, or in exceptional cases, a Sophomore, in the fields of environmental horticulture, forestry, animal sciences, or other related subjects. Criteria for recipient selections will be academic excellence and financial need.
  • Fred H. Schmidt Scholarship
    Provides meritorious scholarship support to students enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture with a demonstrated academic interest in entomology.  Preference will be given to students whose primary residence is out of state.  
  • The Lou and Lutza Smith Endowed Scholarship Fund
    This award provides financial assistance to full time undergraduate students with financial need in the fields of animal sciences, equine studies, and applied animal science. The scholarship is also based on academic merit. Students must be pursuing an equine related career.
  • *Caroline S. Wooster Scholarship
    Open to needy students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture and the Thompson School of Applied Science. 

The Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems (ANFS) scholarships for undergraduate students for 2025-2026 are listed below. Eligibility requirements are given for each scholarship. The amount of the awards varies from year to year.

  • To apply for the scholarships, please click on ANFS Scholarship Application.
  • The scholarship form will remain online until March 14, 2025. The form only takes a short time to fill out, so we encourage you to do so for a chance at the many scholarships ANFS has to offer.
  • Scholarships are only awarded to those students who fill out the form. Some scholarships are merit-based while others are for those with financial need. This application covers all of these scholarships.
  • Applications that are identical from past submissions, including essay, will not be considered.
  • Students must not be on any disciplinary probation to be eligible for these scholarships.
  • Remember: You must have a current FAFSA on file to be eligible for need-based scholarships. This does not mean you have to accept federal loans. However, we must have proof that you are need-eligible.
  • Additional scholarships are listed in the COLSA scholarship section of this page.
  • For any questions, email Jen Surina.
  • Anna Catherine Clark Memorial Scholarship
    The Anna Catherine Clark Memorial Scholarship was established in 2014 in honor of Anna Catherine Clark to recognize a continuing full time Thompson School student in high academic standing who demonstrates a commitment to community service. The scholarship will be given to students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program. The Awards and Scholarship Committee will select the recipient.

  • C. Hilton Boynton Fund
    The fund provides scholarships to animal science majors, especially those interested in dairy science. The application Friends, colleagues, and students established a fund in honor of C. Hilton Boynton, a distinguished dairy scientist who served UNH from 1945 to 1972. Dr. Boynton showed great interest in young people and in cattle improvement. He inspired young people through this 4-H activity and through counseling of students, while making outstanding contributions to the dairy cattle industry. The fund primarily supports dairy cattle judging trip by UNH students and also provides scholarships to animal science majors, especially those interested in dairy science.

  • Charles A. & Florence Weast Stone
    A scholarship was established by Charles A. and Florence Weast Stone of Bow, N.H. Mrs. Stone, '30, taught school for 37 years, 32 in New Hampshire. Mr. Stone, a retired colonel and cattlemen, is active with students in the beef production program at UNH and has helped with many improvements for the Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences. Recipients must have a grade point average of at least 2.0, or the equivalent. Financial need is not a criterion in making awards. All awards will be made in keeping with the Financial Aid Policy of the University. Preference will also be given to students who are residents of New Hampshire.

  • Charles Harvey Hood Prize
    This scholarship is available to worthy students enrolled in any of the undergraduate programs offered by the Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems. Scholarly achievement, as based on the student’s academic record, will be an important criterion in making this award. Other evidence of academic or personal development will be considered. Financial need is not necessary, but may also be considered in making an award.

  • Conant Scholarship Fund
    A varying number of awards to needy New Hampshire students in the fields of animal sciences, equine studies, dairy management, environmental horticulture, applied animal science and horticultural technology. Preference will be given to residents of Cheshire County.

  • Fair Winds Farm Equine Scholarship
    Provides support to students in the equine program. Preference is given to students interested in pursuing careers in the standard bred and thoroughbred racing industry.

  • Hubbard Poultry Fellow
    The Hubbard Farms Graduate Fellowship was established at the University of New Hampshire in 1951 with gifts from the Hubbard family of Walpole, NH. Hubbard Farms, Inc. traces its origins back to Levi Hubbard, the first member of the Hubbard family to settle in Walpole in 1791. It was in 1914 that Ira Hubbard began working with poultry on the Hubbard farm. This was carried on as a side-line activity of a general farming enterprise until 1921 when the son of Ira Hubbard, Oliver, graduated from the University of New Hampshire.

  • Hubbard Scholarship Fund
    Oliver J. Hubbard, '21, of Walpole, N.H., presented a gift to UNH in 1976 to improve poultry and animal sciences education at the undergraduate and graduate level and for scholarship aid when desirable. All scholarship aid shall be granted on the basis of financial need, as determined by the Fund Committee for undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Kenneth L. Isaacs Scholarship
    In 1961, Kenneth L. Isaacs of Walpole, Massachusetts, donated Hereford cattle to the Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences. The income from funds generated by the sale of the animals is awarded annually to needy animal science students. Preference is given to applicants with an interest in livestock. Financial need and scholarly achievement will be considered in selecting recipients.

  • Kenneth S. Morrow Scholarship
    Alumni and friends of Kenneth S. Morrow, professor in the Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences for 32 years, contributed to a fund in his honor in 1966. The income is awarded to a needy animal science major whose central interest is dairy science; scholastic ability is considered.

  • Loring V. Cy Tirrell Scholarship
    In 1959, friends and former students established a fund in honor of Professor Loring V. "Cy" Tirrell, a distinguished teacher for 41 years in the Department of Animal and Nutritional Sciences. Needy upper-class animal science majors with excellent moral character and sound academic achievement are eligible for awards.

  • Nutrition Scholarship Fund
    For students with a primary interest in the field of nutrition.

  • Plant Sciences Scholarship Fund
    To provide scholarship support to students studying plant sciences including studies in horticulture.

  • Robert E. Richards ’75 Scholarship
    The scholarship was established by friends and family in memory of Robert E. Richards to provide need-based meritorious scholarship support for students enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture with a preference given to students studying plant biology.

  • Robert P. Ahern Memorial Scholarship
    Associates of Robert P. Ahern, '38, established a scholarship in his memory for Animal Science majors.  A former employee of Hubbard Farms of Walpole, N.H., he had a long and distinguished career serving the agricultural industry of New England, particularly in poultry. Awards will be made each year to upperclassmen majoring in Animal Sciences in the undergraduate school with preference given to students with an interest in poultry.

  • Stacey W. Cole and Mildred S. Cole Endowed Scholarship
    This fund was established with gifts from colleagues and friends of Stacey W. Cole in honor and recognition of his service to the State, the University System of New Hampshire, and the New Hampshire Petroleum Council. Criteria: The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to a New Hampshire resident who is a full-time, second-year student in the Thompson School. Scholarships will be awarded based on exhibited characteristics of motivation and promise, moral integrity, and a sense of citizenship and spirit.

  • Thomas Fairchild Fund for Animal Science
    The Thomas P. Fairchild Fund for Animal Science is established in honor of Tom Fairchild and his contributions to the University and the state. The fund is to support student scholarships, undergraduate research and experiential learning opportunities in the dairy program.

  • Thomas J. Giampietro '57 Scholarship
    The purpose of this Fund is to provide meritorious scholarship support for full-time returning students in good academic standing within the Thompson School of Applied Science pursuing a degree in Forest Technology or within the Department of Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Systems pursuing a degree or minor in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems or a minor in Environmental Horticulture. Preference will be given to students in active military, students with a veteran status, and students demonstrating leadership qualities. The Fund’s purpose is and shall be consistent with state and federal law, as well as University System of New Hampshire (“USNH”), University and Foundation policies, as the same may be modified from time to time, and with each entity’s status as a tax-exempt organization.

Outside Scholarships

  • American Quarter Horse Assoc.
    Since 1976, the American Quarter Horse Foundation has awarded more than $5.7 million in scholarship assistance to youth members. More than 1,000 students have benefited from the successes of a higher education. Assistance is provided based on the applicant's financial need, academic merit, equine involvement and civic activities. It is our mission to aid youth who share a sense of compassion and dedication to the American Quarter Horse.  Application is available at

  • American Morgan Horse Institute
    The AMHI awards one to five $3,000 educational scholarships to worthy recipients from across the country.  The scholarships may be used to pay tuition for college, trade school, or vocational training.  Selection is based on the ability and aptitude for serious study, community service, leadership, financial need, and achievement with Morgan horses. The educational scholarship applicants are limited to high school seniors.  Application is available at American Morgan Horse Institute.

  • Intercollegiate Horse Shows Assoc.
    The IHSA gives away over $20,000 in scholarships to its members annually through its affiliation with the Intercollegiate Equestrian Foundation.  Both current IHSA members and non IHSA collegiate riders are encouraged to apply.  Several other scholarship opportunities are available for senior members of the IHSA.  Most awards are given on the basis of academic performance, leadership and participation on a collegiate riding team and financial need.  Applications are due in early February and awards are given each May.  More information is available at

  • Jockey Club
    The Jockey Club Scholarship, provides $15,000 ($7,500 per semester) to a student who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree or higher at any university and has demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in the Thoroughbred racing industry. The following criteria will be considered: career aspirations, activities involving the equine or Thoroughbred industry, and high academic achievement. Applications and other pertinent information are available at under Advocacy/Promotion, Education.

There are three scholarships available to undergraduate students enrolled in the Department of Biological Sciences (DBS) for AY 2024-25. The description for each scholarship and eligibility requirements are listed below. The amount of the scholarship varies from year to year.

Please complete the DBS Scholarship Application by TBD @ 11:59 p.m.

Questions? Contact Janet Anderson

  • Avery E. and Erma L. Rich Scholarship
    The Avery E. and Erma L. Rich Memorial Scholarship is to provide an annual award to a full-time student majoring in biology with preference given to a senior studying plant biology. The annual award will be made in the spring to a junior student for use in his/her senior year, and the recipient will be known as The Avery Rich Scholar. Selection criteria will include academic achievement (minimum 3.0 GPA) and financial need.
  • Ford Prince Scholarship in Plant Biology
    Gifts in memory of Dr. Ford Prince, Chair of the Agronomy Department for many years, and from the general public established this scholarship to provide financial assistance to undergraduates enrolled in Plant Biology. Selections are made by the Biological Sciences Scholarship Committee based on outstanding achievement and academic excellence. Preference will be given to students anticipating careers in agronomy or horticulture.
  • Robert E. Richards ’75 Scholarship
    A scholarship fund was set up by Robert’s family in 2021 in honor of his love for plants that started when he was a student at UNH! Selection is made by the scholarship committee in the Department of Biological Sciences based on both financial need and academic merit.  Preference is given to those applicants studying plant biology
  • In addition to DBS sponsored scholarships, the following scholarships are available to DBS students. Please pay particular attention to their application requirements and deadlines.

    Noyce Scholarship
    The Noyce Scholarship supports students who are planning to be science or math teachers in grades 6-12. The support can be for junior, senior, and one year of graduate school. We also can provide you with teaching opportunities as an undergraduate, to test your interest in teaching.
    For more information visit the Noyce Website

    Summer Study and Research Opportunities at Shoals Marine Laboratory
    UNH’s Shoals Marine Laboratory (SML), in conjunction with Cornell University, offers a host of marine biology-related college level courses that meet many degree requirements over the summer on our island campus in the Isles of Shoals. SML offers both Merit and Need-based Scholarships, multi-course discounts, as well as competitive Research Internships offering summer stipends.
    For more information, visit the Shoals Marine Laboratory

For information about grants, scholarships, and fellowships not based solely on financial need, continuing students may contact their academic department and college. Generally, this aid is contingent upon merit (academic performance) or a combination of merit and other factors such as academic field of study, leadership ability, residence, and/or financial need.

The UNH Fellowships Office provides information, counsel, and editorial support to highly motivated students (undergraduates, graduate students, and UNH alumni) applying for national and international fellowships and scholarships.  The Office also assists faculty members who serve as mentors/references, and coordinates campus interviews and nominations.

  • Biomedical Science Scholarship Fund
    This award is in memory of Jere Chase for a student in the field of medical technology.

  • Clinical Laboratory Management Association (CLMA) New Hampshire
    CLMA plays a leadership role in enhancing the image and increasing the viability of Medical Laboratory Scientists. The CLMA scholarships are awarded to MLS juniors planning on applying for a clinical internship based on a minimum GPA of 2.5 and demonstration of leadership potential within the Medical Laboratory Science Program.

  • Daniel M. Heath Memorial Scholarship
    The scholarship provides support to students interested in microbiology, based on financial need and academic merit.

  • Dr. E. Elizabeth French Scholarship
    This scholarship is given to the BMS:MLS senior with the highest academic achievement in hematology and immunohematology.

  • Evelyn Nixon-Jardine Scholarship
    It is awarded both on merit and on identified financial need.

  • Herbert D. Soule Memorial Scholarship Fund
    The fund provides scholarship assistance to students with a primary interest in microbiology who demonstrate financial need.

  • Lawrence W. Slanetz Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Provides financial assistance to full-time undergraduate students whose primary area of interest is in the field of microbiology. 

  • Martha  Hopkins  Scholarship
    This scholarship was established in memory of Martha Hopkins, alumna of the UNH Class of 1964. She was a professor of Medical Technology at UNH teaching Clinical Chemistry from 1982 until 1987, when she sadly died of cancer. As a faculty member, Martha Hopkins demonstrated enthusiasm for her subject and a commitment to excellence which she expected in her students as well. It is awarded to an MLS senior applying for a clinical internship based on overall academic achievement in chemistry.

  • Pamela Low Scholarship
    This award is given to the BMS:MLS junior or senior with the highest academic achievement in this area.

  • Robert and Ruth Zsigray Academic Enrichment Fund
     The fund provides financial support to allow undergraduate and graduate students majoring in microbiology to participate in off-campus academic experiences, both nationally and internationally.

Applications for the 2025-2026 academic year are now open. Some scholarships are financial need-based and require you to complete a FAFSA application with the UNH Financial Aid Office. Please check each individual scholarship for candidate criteria.

  • Alumni Scholarships

    The Alumni Fund was established in 1990 as a result of the generous contributions of our alumni. These scholarships are supported solely through their annual contributions. The primary purpose of this fund is to support students, either through direct financial assistance or by enhancing student involvement and activities.

  • Charles W. and Jacqueline F. Thompson Forestry Scholarship

    The Charles W. and Jacqueline F. Thompson Forestry Scholarship was established in 2005 by Charles W. Thompson '66 and Jacqueline Flynn Thompson '65 to provide scholarship support for undergraduate students enrolled in the forestry program in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture who have successfully completed the first year of study in their chosen major. Awards are based on financial need with preference first given to students from Wilmot, New Hampshire, and then to residents of Merrimack County, New Hampshire.

  • Clark L. Stevens Scholarship

    This fund was established by alumni and faculty of Natural Resources to celebrate the life and contributions of this outstanding teacher and mentor. The fund is supported by family and friends of Clark Stevens, who was a faculty member at the University of New Hampshire from 1920 until his retirement in 1964. He served as chair of the Forestry Department from 1938-1958. The fund provides financial assistance to students in good standing and having financial need.

  • Class of 1974 Wildlife Scholarship

    The Class of 1974 Wildlife Scholarship is an inaugural scholarship for a wildlife student demonstrating outstanding combinations of scholarship, participation, and positive attitude. It is given as a reminder to contribute positively to the wildlife management profession and to encourage future support by wildlife and natural resources alumni.

  • College Woods Scholarship

    The College Woods Scholarship was established in 2003 through the generosity of James P. Barrett, UNH Professor Emeritus of Forest Biometrics and Management, and his wife, Juddie M. Barrett. Jim and Juddie established the College Woods Scholarship Fund in appreciation of their adopted home, New Hampshire, and as a thank-you gift for the many delightful walks Jim enjoyed in the College Woods. The scholarship is also an expression of thanks for the opportunity Jim had to spend many days teaching students about forestry and natural resources. The College Woods Scholarship is dedicated to providing financial help to students and to the recognition of the educational value of the College Woods, East Foss Farm, and other UNH Woodlands, which all play a critical role in the education of UNH students.

  • Edith Converse Neff and Allen Whitaker Neff Forestry Scholarship

    The purpose of the Edith Converse Neff and Allen Whitaker Neff Forestry Scholarship is to provide scholarship support for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the Forestry Program in the College of Life Science and Agriculture.  Awards will be based on academic merit and financial need.

  • Edward Cass Adams Scholarship

    This fund is supported by a bequest from Analesa F. Adams MacLeod, whose family was very prominent in the history of Durham and the Great Bay area. Edward Cass Adams was born in 1892 at Adams Point, where he lived his whole life. He was the last of the Adams of Adams Point. Cass inherited his father's (Captain Adams) craftsmanship and artistic creativity and was well-known for his beautiful and unusual duck decoys. He helped his father in the 20-year task of building the gundalow "Driftwood." The fund provides financial assistance to students at the University of New Hampshire who are engaged in the study of wildlife management and research or the conservation of natural resources.

  • Jeffrey Wells ’81 Scholar

    The Scholarship is for Forest Technology students enrolled in the Thompson School’s Forest Technology program. Through the generosity of family and friends, scholarship recipients will be honored as Jeffrey Wells ’81 Scholars in memory of Mr. Wells, a 1981 graduate of the Thompson school’s Forest Technology Program. Jeff was a forester in the Adirondack Mountains for 20 years before retiring. Upon his retirement, he went back to school to earn his bachelor’s degree in education and became a teacher at the Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center in Claremont, New Hampshire. Preference will be given to a student with financial need who demonstrates academic merit.

  • Lloyd W. Hawkensen Forestry Scholarships

    This fund was established by the family and friends of Lloyd W. Hawkensen, a University of New Hampshire forestry graduate who was active in the forest industry and professional forestry affairs in New Hampshire. He was the recipient of the Forest Resources Distinguished Alumnus Award in 1986. The fund provides financial support to New Hampshire residents who are enrolled in forestry or related programs in natural resources. Awards are made based on academic achievement, sincere interest in forestry or related sciences, and financial need.

  • Nancy Coutu Wildlife Scholarship

    This award was established in 1997 in memory of Nancy Coutu, who graduated from the wildlife program in 1993. Nancy was a special student who made teaching a delight. She reminded you that the "stuff" in class is important, but it's the "stuff" that happens when people get together that really makes our lives what they are. Nancy had an exceptional way with people, and her enjoyment of life was contagious.  When Nancy was murdered in the spring of 1996 during a Peace Corps mission in Madagascar, department faculty wanted to see something positive result from her senseless death. The Department established the wildlife scholarship fund to provide an annual award in Coutu's memory to a student majoring in Wildlife who exemplifies the spirit of Nancy Coutu. It is important that Nancy is remembered as a role model not only for her good service to her community, but for her enthusiastic zest for life and learning, which we hope to foster in all our wildlife undergraduates.

  • Paul E. Bruns Memorial Award

    A compass is awarded to an outstanding forestry student to help guide them in their future professional career. Paul Bruns was a practicing forester, teacher, and researcher. He was a guiding influence in the development of UNH's Forestry programs within his role as professor and Forestry Department Chair at UNH.

  • Paul Gilman Memorial Scholarship

    Paul Gilman was a professor of Civil Technology in the Thompson School of Applied Science and a charter member of the New Hampshire Chapter of Acacia fraternity. Recipients will be known as Gilman Scholars. Criteria: A recipient must have financial need, be a full-time student** and have achieved at least a 2.0 G.P.A. This scholarship will be awarded to a Forest Technology student. This is a need-based scholarship.

  • Richard A. Andrews Memorial Award

    The Richard A. Andrews Memorial Award was established by friends and colleagues of Richard A. Andrews. The award recognizes the senior Environmental and Resource Economics major who excelled in resource economics, economics, mathematics, and statistics.

  • Richard B. Johnston Memorial Award

    This award was established in 1978 by the family and friends of Richard B. Johnston, who was a highly respected forester in New Hampshire and a friend to the ideals of conservation. Awards are made to upper-class undergraduate students in the department who have "enthusiasm for the forestry field." In addition, the endowment provides funds for student book purchases.

  • Ruth E. Farrington Forestry Scholarships

    This award is supported by an endowment resulting from a bequest by Ruth E. Farrington, who came from a lumber industry family in New Hampshire. The fund provides several scholarships for undergraduates and graduate students in forestry and students in related fields who have options or concentrations in forestry beyond their major requirements. Awards are made based on academic performance, promise of professional achievement, and financial need.

  • Shirley and Bob Lake Endowed Scholarship

    The Scholarship was established in honor of Shirley and Bob Lake to benefit students enrolled in the Thompson School of Applied Science. Preference will be given to returning students enrolled in the Forest Technology program who demonstrate academic merit and financial need.

  • Stacey W. Cole and Mildred S. Cole Endowed Scholarship

    This fund was established with gifts from colleagues and friends of Stacey W. Cole in honor and recognition of his service to the State, the University System of New Hampshire, and the New Hampshire Petroleum Council. Criteria: The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to a New Hampshire resident who is a full-time, second-year student in the Thompson School. Scholarships will be awarded based on exhibited characteristics of motivation and promise, moral integrity, and a sense of citizenship and spirit.

  • Thomas J. Giampietro '57 Scholarship

    The purpose of this Fund is to provide meritorious scholarship support for full-time returning students in good academic standing within the Thompson School of Applied Science pursuing a degree in Forest Technology or within the Department of Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Systems pursuing a degree or minor in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems or a minor in Environmental Horticulture. Preference will be given to students in active military, students with veteran status, and students demonstrating leadership qualities. The Fund’s purpose is and shall be consistent with state and federal law, as well as University System of New Hampshire (“USNH”), University and Foundation policies, as the same may be modified from time to time, and with each entity’s status as a tax-exempt organization.

  • Anna Catherine Clark Memorial Scholarship

    The Anna Catherine Clark Memorial Scholarship was established in 2014 in honor of Anna Catherine Clark to recognize a continuing full time Thompson School student in high academic standing who demonstrates a commitment to community service. The scholarship will be given to students enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program. The Awards and Scholarship Committee will select the recipient.

  • Gladys Brooks Scholarship

    This Scholarship was established to support first-year students entering the Thompson School of Applied Science. It will be awarded to an incoming NH first-year student based on their academic merit, leadership aptitude and demonstrated leadership ability. Apply using the COLSA application that was emailed to all COLSA students.

  • Jeffrey Wells ’81 Scholar

    The Scholarship is for Forest Technology students enrolled in the Thompson School’s Forest Technology program. Through the generosity of family and friends, scholarship recipients will be honored as Jeffrey Wells ’81 Scholars in memory of Mr. Wells, a 1981 graduate of the Thompson school’s Forest Technology Program. Jeff was a forester in the Adirondack Mountains for 20 years before retiring. Upon his retirement, he went back to school to earn his bachelor’s degree in education and became a teacher at the Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center in Claremont, New Hampshire. Preference will be given to a student with financial need who demonstrates academic merit.Apply

  • Paul Gilman Memorial Scholarship

    Paul Gilman was a professor of Civil Technology in the Thompson School of Applied Science and a charter member of the New Hampshire Chapter of Acacia fraternity. Recipients will be known as Gilman Scholars. Criteria: A recipient must have financial need, be a full-time student** and have achieved at least a 2.0 G.P.A. This scholarship will be awarded to a Forest Technology student. This is a need-based scholarship. Apply

  • Putnam Memorial Scholarship

    This scholarship is financed by the Putnam Agricultural Foundation established by George Martin Putnam in honor of his family. It is to benefit TSAS students who are studying Applied Animal Science, Forest Technology and Veterinary Technology. The nominees should be highly motivated and capable students who demonstrate financial need. This scholarship is available for both incoming and returning students. Apply using the COLSA application that was emailed to all COLSA students.

  • Shirley and Bob Lake Endowed Scholarship

    The Scholarship was established in honor of Shirley and Bob Lake to benefit students enrolled in the Thompson School of Applied Science. Preference will be given to returning students enrolled in the Forest Technology program who demonstrate academic merit and financial need. Apply

  • Stacey W. Cole and Mildred S. Cole Endowed Scholarship

    This fund was established with gifts from colleagues and friends of Stacey W. Cole in honor and recognition of his service to the State, the University System of New Hampshire, and the New Hampshire Petroleum Council. Criteria: The purpose of the fund is to provide financial assistance to a New Hampshire resident who is a full-time, second-year student in the Thompson School. Scholarships will be awarded based on exhibited characteristics of motivation and promise, moral integrity, and a sense of citizenship and spirit. Apply

  • Thomas J. Giampietro '57 Scholarship

    The purpose of this Fund is to provide meritorious scholarship support for full-time returning students in good academic standing within the Thompson School of Applied Science pursuing a degree in Forest Technology or within the Department of Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Systems pursuing a degree or minor in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems or a minor in Environmental Horticulture. Preference will be given to active military students, students with veteran status, and students demonstrating leadership qualities. The Fund’s purpose is and shall be consistent with state and federal law, as well as University System of New Hampshire (“USNH”), University and Foundation policies, as the same may be modified from time to time, and with each entity’s status as a tax-exempt organization. Apply


Graduate Scholarships

COLSA Students Are Notified By
UNH Email When
The Scholarship Application Process Is Open



If you have been recently admitted to COLSA but are not currently attending, you will be eligible to apply for COLSA scholarships once you are an enrolled/attending student during Spring Semester.


Check with your department’s main office for additional scholarships that may be available in your department. 

Listed below are scholarships available to graduate students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Eligibility requirements are given for each scholarship. The amount of awards varies from year to year. Please read the scholarship descriptions carefully and apply only for scholarships for which you are eligible. For example, if you are an out-of-state student do not apply for scholarships that are only eligible to in-state students. Do not apply for all scholarships – be selective. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from consideration. Don’t let that happen to you!

  • Scholarship information and applications will be emailed to all currently enrolled COLSA Students during Spring Semester
  • The email will be sent to COLSA Students UNH Email and will contain directions and due date for applying
  • All application forms should be emailed to:
  • Check in your Department’s Main Office for additional scholarships that may be available in your department.
  • Applications sent by the COLSA Dean's Office are not online
  • NOTE: If a criterion of eligibility states that financial aid will be considered, applicants must have an approved FAFSA form on file in the Financial Aid Office.


  • Dickie Family Scholarship
    To provide scholarship support to undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Awards will be based on both academic merit and demonstrated financial need.

  • Martha and Theodore Frizzell Fund
    Open to graduate students in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture.

The Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems (ANFS) scholarships for undergraduate/graduate students for 2024-2025 are listed below. Eligibility requirements are given for each scholarship.  The amount of the awards varies from year to year.

  • To apply for the scholarships, please click on ANFS Scholarship Application
  • The scholarship form will remain online until March 1, 2024.  The form only takes a short time to fill out, so we encourage you to do so for a chance at the many scholarships ANFS has to offer.
  • Scholarships are only awarded to those students who fill out the form.  Some scholarships are merit-based while others are for those with financial need.  This application covers all of these scholarships.
  • Students must not be on any disciplinary probation to be eligible for these scholarships.
  • Remember: You must have a current FAFSA on file to be eligible for need-based scholarships. This does not mean you have to accept federal loans.  However, we must have proof that you are need-eligible.
  • Additional scholarships are listed in the COLSA scholarship section of this page.
  • For any questions, email Dr. Liz Brock or call (603) 862-1097.
  • Hubbard Scholarship Fund
    Oliver J. Hubbard, '21, of Walpole, N.H., presented a gift to UNH in 1976 to improve poultry and animal sciences education at the undergraduate and graduate level and for scholarship aid when desirable. All scholarship aid shall be granted on the basis of financial need, as determined by the Fund Committee for undergraduate and graduate students.

Outside Scholarships

  • Jockey Club
    The Jockey Club Scholarship, provides $15,000 ($7,500 per semester) to a student who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree or higher at any university and has demonstrated interest in pursuing a career in the Thoroughbred racing industry.  The following criteria will be considered: career aspirations, activities involving the equine or Thoroughbred industry, and high academic achievement.  Applications and other pertinent information are available at under Advocacy/Promotion, Education.

For information about grants, scholarships, and fellowships not based solely on financial need, continuing students may contact their academic department and college. Generally, this aid is contingent upon merit (academic performance) or a combination of merit and other factors such as academic field of study, leadership ability, residence, and/or financial need.

The UNH Fellowships Office provides information, counsel, and editorial support to highly motivated students (undergraduates, graduate students, and UNH alumni) applying for national and international fellowships and scholarships.  The Office also assists faculty members who serve as mentors/references, and coordinates campus interviews and nominations.

  • Edward F. Landry Memorial Scholarship
     Provides scholarship assistance to graduate students studying microbiology or related programs who exhibit academic achievement.

  • Lawrence W. Slanetz Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Provides financial assistance to full-time undergraduate students whose primary area of interest is in the field of microbiology. 

  • Robert and Ruth Zsigray Academic Enrichment Fund
     The fund provides financial support to allow undergraduate and graduate students majoring in microbiology to participate in off-campus academic experiences, both nationally and internationally.

Applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are now open. Please check each individual scholarship for candidate criteria.

  • College Woods Scholarship
    The College Woods Scholarship was established in 2003 through the generosity of James P. Barrett, UNH Professor Emeritus of Forest Biometrics and Management, and his wife, Juddie M. Barrett. Jim and Juddie established the College Woods Scholarship Fund in appreciation of their adopted home, New Hampshire, and as a thank-you gift for the many delightful walks Jim enjoyed in the College Woods. The scholarship is also an expression of thanks for the opportunity Jim had to spend many days teaching students about forestry and natural resources. The College Woods Scholarship is dedicated to providing financial help to students and to the recognition of the educational value of the College Woods, East Foss Farm, and other UNH Woodlands, which all play a critical role in the education of UNH students.

  • Edith Converse Neff and Allen Whitaker Neff Forestry Scholarship
    The purpose of the Edith Converse Neff and Allen Whitaker Neff Forestry Scholarship is to provide scholarship support for undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in the Forestry Program in the College of Life Science and Agriculture.  Awards will be based on academic merit and financial need.

  • George "Curly" Frick Fellowship
    The Frick Fellowship was established through the generosity of friends and former students of Professor Emeritus George Frick in recognition of his many years of service to the University and its students. The purpose of the fellowship is to provide support for graduate students studying environmental and resource economics, broadly defined. Professor Frick was especially active in issues regarding land use and dairy management. Awards are based on academic achievement. Applicants are not limited to resource economics graduate students.

  • Ruth E. Farrington Forestry Scholarships
    This award is supported by an endowment resulting from a bequest by Ruth E. Farrington, who came from a lumber industry family in New Hampshire. The fund provides several scholarships for undergraduates and graduate students in forestry and students in related fields who have options or concentrations in forestry beyond their major requirements. Awards are made based on academic performance, promise of professional achievement, and financial need.