Integrative Biology (M.S.) Spotlight

Developing a habitat suitability model for the rare prairie mole cricket
Andres Buitrago's thesis research involves conducting an acoustic survey of prairie mole crickets at The Nature Conservancy’s Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in Oklahoma.
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Distribution of endemic frogs in the British Virgin Islands Research
Creightanya Brewley's thesis project is centered on investigating the distribution and habitat requirements of the endemic frogs of the British Virgin Islands, especially the endangered Virgin Islands Coqui (Eleutherodactylus schwartzi).
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From First-Gen College Student to Accomplished Scientist and Professor
Easton White is an assistant professor in COLSA’s department of biological sciences, and he runs the Quantitative Marine Ecology Lab.
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The Impact of Human-Induced Noise on Animals
New research from Nicole Abate ‘20G that examines the effects of different types of noise on crickets’ movement and mating  was recently published in Metaleptea, the orthopterists’ society’s newsletter.
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UNH students play key role in COVID-19 fight
A team of UNH students have stepped into vital positions to bolster UNH’s battle against the coronavirus. They put in 10-hour shifts this summer when tests needed to be administered and processed quickly, and they continue to administer weekly tests for faculty and staff.
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Researcher Alyssa Stasse uses genetic techniques, such as genome and transcriptome sequencing, to determine differences between populations of eastern oysters.
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Dept. Faculty Offer Cheers and Good Wishes
The Department of Biological Sciences wants to make sure all its 2020 graduates know that the faculty are thinking of them as they celebrate their achievements and look forward to what's next.
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A Goodbye, a Surprise Hello and an Unexpected Honor
In May, botanical sciences professor Alan (Al) Baker retired after 47 years at UNH, and the department of biological sciences threw Baker a retirement party that included a surprise guest.
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