
Program Encourages Conversations about Bias, Privilege and Equity
As part of a broad effort to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the college, Dean Anthony S. Davis launched the anti-racist book share program in fall 2020.
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Hitting the ground running in her first year
Precious Chigwada ’24 is a nutrition: dietetics major from Newmarket, New Hampshire who is busy enjoying her classes, taking advantage of exciting opportunities within her major and preparing for a successful career as a registered dietitian.
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Honors Student Focuses on Nutrition and Athletic Performance
Dominick Tavares is a nutrition: dietetics major from Ossipee, New Hampshire. He is also Marble Scholar, member of the Student Nutrition Association and part of the University Honors Program.
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Protecting Forests on an Interconnected and Changing Planet
Jeff Garnas says that the planet's forests face serious problems due to climate change and a global trade system that make possible the spread of insects and pathogens.
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Diving into Diet and Mental Health
Sophie Kenny '19, '20G, '22G earned her bachelor’s degree in nutrition: nutrition and wellness and a graduate certificate in the didactic program in dietetics from UNH and is now a master’s student in nutritional sciences at the university.
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New Collections Manager of the Hodgdon Herbarium
Erin Sigel recently joined the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture as the new collections manager of the Hodgdon Herbarium, which she describes as a “hidden gem of the university.”
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The Impact of Human-Induced Noise on Animals
New research from Nicole Abate ‘20G that examines the effects of different types of noise on crickets’ movement and mating  was recently published in Metaleptea, the orthopterists’ society’s newsletter.
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Doctoral Candidate Wins Graduate Student Teaching Award
Jennifer (Jenny) Calawa is a doctoral student in microbiology. She recently won a Graduate Student Teaching Award — one of only two PhD candidates to win this university-wide competition. The award recognizes graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in teaching, including enthusiasm for…
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Grad Student Wins Teaching Award
Sara Murphy is a graduate student in our Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetic Internship (MSDI) program and recent recipient of UNH's Graduate Student Teaching Award.
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Helping Communities Prosper
Anna Stockman graduated from UNH in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in community and environmental planning, and now works for Eastern Maine Development Corporation.
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Solving the puzzle of complex animal sociality
Wyatt Shell recently earned his doctoral degree in integrative and organismal biology following the successful defense of his dissertation, "Behavioral and genetic mechanisms of social evolution: Insights from incipiently and facultatively social bees."
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New Challenge Brings New Opportunity
Kaley Jean ’21 is a genetics major and Classics minor from Merrimack, NH who is working as a a clinical lab assistant in UNH's COVID testing lab. "While a pandemic isn’t the best way to end my undergraduate career," she says, "I think helping others is."
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