Taylor Zupo ‘20 recently returned from Chachapoyas, Peru where she and three other UNH students spent January term in an agricultural exchange program at Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas. The avid yoga practitioner from Setauket, New York is a double Nutrition: Nutrition and Wellness Option and Ecogastronomy major and hopes to make healthy food accessible to all.
Taylor Zupo: My work that I have done with Health Service's Eating Concern Mentors. I believe that work we do to spread body positivity and awareness on disordered eating is truly impactful. I also am really looking forward to my term as Panhellenic President and seeing what my executive board accomplishes.
Zupo: When I feel passionate about something I will put all my heart and effort into it! I feel strongly about making the world a happier and healthier place for all so I believe that mindset really motivates me to act with optimism and courage.
Zupo: I chose my major because I believe that nutrition plays a fundamental role in our health and has a large impact on all sectors of our life. (Physical health and mental health) I chose to double major in nutrition and wellness and ecogastronomy because I have a strong interest in sustainable agriculture and how we can use different practices to provide for those who don't have access to healthful foods.
Zupo: Nutrition and Wellness is a great major for people who have a strong interest in overall health. This major opens the door to a broad range of opportunities that are pretty unique. It also allows you to complete a dual major or minor which can highlight a topic area that you are interested in.
Any of the nutrition and ecogastronomy faculty would love to have a conversation about the major and the steps to apply into the program!
Zupo: I would like to work with an organization that does nutrition education for children with low socioeconomic status. Preferably an organization with a strong global presence.
Zupo: UNH has provided me with so many leadership and academic opportunities to help me achieve my goals. From being able to join the Sorority and Fraternity life community to being selected to travel to Peru with my Professor and three other students I have been able to learn and grow in so many different areas.
I also have gotten the opportunity to be the work-study student for the Department of Agriculture, Nutrition, and Food Systems, which has allowed me to work with a wide range of professors and administrative staff.
Zupo: I love the community and how friendly everyone is! The campus is also gorgeous.
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