Biological Sciences: Marine Biology PhD
Email address: Sidney.Axtell@unh.edu
Advisor: Dr. Nathan Furey
Advisor's lab: Fish and Movement Ecology Lab
Understanding how top consumers respond to changes in biodiversity, ecosystem connectivity and environmental conditions is important for informing management efforts in a changing climate. As one of the fastest warming oceans in the world with heavy historical fishing pressures, the Gulf of Maine is of particular interest to fisheries managers. Using acoustic telemetry, stomach contents analyses, and metrics of marine biodiversity (eDNA, passive/active acoustics), my research investigates what the diets and movements of two iconic top consumers—Atlantic cod and striped bass—might tell us about ecosystem dynamics in coastal New England. This research is part of a broader, multi-species effort assessing ecosystem dynamics in the Gulf of Maine through partnerships with the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and the Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (GBNERR).
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