Nathan Furey
Our group conducts research in fish ecology and animal movements. We primarily try to understand the motivations and consequences of fish movements through space and time. We are also interested in predator-prey interactions, bioenergetics, and landscape ecology. To study these topics, we use a variety of techniques including telemetry (putting an electronic tag on or in an animal to follow its movements), diet analyses, bioenergetics models, and geographic information systems (GIS). <br><br>We conduct research on various taxa, mostly fishes, across the globe. This includes Pacific salmon in British Columbia, fishes in the high Arctic, Atlantic salmon among other fishes in New England, Gulf of Maine crustaceans, and even dolphins in the Mediterranean.
Courses Taught
- BIOL 999: Doctoral Dissertation Research
- MEFB 772/872: Fisheries Biology
- MEFB 799H: MEFB Honors Senior Thesis
- ZOOL 708: Stream Ecology
- ZOOL 710: Sharks and Bony Fishes
- ZOOL 710/810: Sharks and Bony Fishes
- ZOOL 810: Sharks and Bony Fishes
Research Interests
- Animal Ecology
- Aquatic Ecology
- Bioenergetics
- Ecology
- Fish and Fisheries
- Fisheries Management
- Marine Biology
- Marine Zoology
- Migratory Animals and Birds
- Telemetry
Selected Publications
Furey, N. B., Armstrong, J. B., Beauchamp, D. A., & Hinch, S. G. (2018). Migratory coupling between predators and prey. NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 2(12), 1846-1853. doi:10.1038/s41559-018-0711-3
Furey, N. B., Hinch, S. G., Mesa, M. G., & Beauchamp, D. A. (2016). Piscivorous fish exhibit temperature-influenced binge feeding during an annual prey pulse. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 85(5), 1307-1317. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12565
Furey, N. B., Hinch, S. G., Bass, A. L., Middleton, C. T., Minke-Martin, V., & Lotto, A. G. (2016). Predator swamping reduces predation risk during nocturnal migration of juvenile salmon in a high-mortality landscape. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 85(4), 948-959. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12528
Clark, T. D., Furey, N. B., Rechisky, E. L., Gale, M. K., Jeffries, K. M., Porter, A. D., . . . Hinch, S. G. (2016). Tracking wild sockeye salmon smolts to the ocean reveals distinct regions of nocturnal movement and high mortality. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 26(4), 959-978. doi:10.1890/15-0632
Furey, N. B., Vincent, S. P., Hinch, S. G., & Welch, D. W. (2015). Variability in Migration Routes Influences Early Marine Survival of Juvenile Salmon Smolts. PLOS ONE, 10(10). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139269
Furey, N. B., Dance, M. A., & Rooker, J. R. (2013). Fine-scale movements and habitat use of juvenile southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma in an estuarine seascape. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY, 82(5), 1469-1483. doi:10.1111/jfb.12074
Furey, N. B., & Rooker, J. R. (2013). Spatial and temporal shifts in suitable habitat of juvenile southern flounder (Paralichthys lethostigma). JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, 76, 161-169. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2012.08.007