Olivia Audet '24

A Summer Fellowship to Support a Passion for Sustainability
UNH student Olivia Audet in a field wearing a UNH sweatshirt

Olivia Audet ’24 is an environmental conservation and sustainability major from Middlebury, Vermont who is interning at Scrapp, a company that develops smart waste programs for businesses, brands and retailers aiming to transition to zero-waste, thanks to a Sustainability Fellowship from the UNH Sustainability Institute.

COLSA: Why did you apply for the Sustainability Fellowship?

Olivia Audet: I applied to the Sustainability Fellowship to get hands-on experience working with an experienced professional in the field of sustainability.

COLSA: Please describe your sustainability initiative — who you are working for and what your responsibilities are.

Olivia: This summer I am tackling the complex waste stream with Scrapp. I am researching Life Cycle Assessment methodology to help Scrapp calculate the greenhouse gas emissions linked with different recyclable materials. I will also be creating the framework for an Ambassadors Program for colleges and organizations to adopt. This will allow students and staff to more actively engage in the waste management on their campuses.

COLSA: What are you hoping to accomplish during this experience?

Olivia: This summer through my work I hope to assist Scrapp by expanding their carbon datasets allowing them to better serve their clients. And increase their client's participation in waste management through the creation of an ambassadors program.

COLSA: How do you think this experience will impact you?

Olivia: Through this experience, I hope to build on the knowledge and skills UNH has provided me in the field of sustainability while expanding my network and professional development skills.

COLSA: Beyond this fellowship, how is UNH preparing you for a career that prioritizes sustainable social and environmental good?

Olivia: UNH has offered me a unique array of experiences in the field of sustainability. Through the courses offered at UNH, I have been able to take a diverse curriculum of biological and social sciences, economics, negotiations tactics, community planning and policy classes, which have given me knowledge and expertise for post-grad job searches.

COLSA: What should prospective students know about UNH?

Olivia: UNH has offered many courses and majors to fit everyone's interests. With the flexibility at UNH students can take courses outside of their major requirements that they find interesting as well. Outside of the courses at UNH, they offer unique hands-on experiences in your desired field.

COLSA: Tell us one unique or interesting thing about yourself.

Olivia: Although my passion lies in the field of sustainability, I was able to take a forensic science class last semester at UNH to explore my interest in true crime!

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