Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Major (B.S.)

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Major (B.S.)
Environmental Conservation and Sustainability student doing field work

About the Environmental Conservation and Sustainability program

What is environmental conservation and sustainability?

Students study environmental conservation and sustainability because they share a vision of a future where people live with respect for the Earth’s natural systems and each other. This program provides a solid foundation in environmental science, ecology, economics, policy, and communications. Students examine the impacts of human activity on the environment, learn the principles of sustainability, and gain a deep understanding of the complex relationships in the natural environment. As students progress through their studies, they develop a customized focus area tied to an environmental issue, ecological system or natural resource.

Why study environmental conservation and sustainability at UNH?

Our graduates are sustainability advocates and leaders for constructive change. They have the knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems while working collaboratively with diverse interest groups. They become facilitators of change toward a sustainable future. Many students pursue international experiences,such as UNH’s EcoQuest program in New Zealand, add a minor, or pursue research opportunities with our faculty or through UNH's undergraduate research programs.

Potential careers 

  • Advocacy and regulatory affairs 
  • Conservation management 
  • Land-use analysis 
  • Natural resources management 
  • Environmental education and outreach 
  • Environmental consulting 
  • Sustainability management
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  • EcoQuest
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    URC 2022: Roadways and Predator Populations in Southeastern N.H.
    Lara G. Santos ’22 is an environmental conservation and sustainability major from Stoneham, Mass. She presented her research at the 2022 UNH Undergraduate Research Conference.
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  • UNH environmental conservation and sustainability major Vincent Pagano '20
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Curriculum & Requirements

The ECS major curriculum is comprised of core requirements providing integrative courses in both environmental conservation and sustainability, along with a foundation in biology, ecology, physical and social science, and the basic tools and skills applied to problem solving. These core requirements are typically fulfilled in the first two years. Beginning in their junior year, ECS students, in consultation with their advisers, create a course focus area based on an ecological system or natural resource of their choosing. The focus area provides advanced study in ecology and natural resources; social sciences; tools, skills, and/or natural history and should reflect the student's interests and future goals. Additionally, each ECS student completes a practicum experience and a capstone option.

The ECS major provides the opportunity for students to gain a common foundation of knowledge and skills emphasizing integration and critical thinking, while allowing for sufficient flexibility to pursue their interests and passions within a large and complex field of study. The design of the curriculum will allow each student at least four, and as many as six, free electives, which they may fulfill as they choose. Many students pursue international experiences, such as the UNH EcoQuest program in New Zealand, add a minor or dual degree (such as the dual degree in global studies), and/or pursue research opportunities with our faculty or through another of UNH's undergraduate research opportunity programs.

Sample Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
BIOL 412 Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology (Inquiry, Disc BS) 4
NR 435 Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness (Disc ETS) 4
EREC 411 Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives (or Discovery Course, not SS or ETS) 4
ENGL 401 or Discovery Course 4
NR 437 Principles of Sustainability 4
NR 439 Environmental Biology 4
EREC 411 Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives (or Discovery Course, not SS or ETS) 4
ENGL 401 or Discovery Course 4
Second Year
NR 415 Natural Resources Field Methods 2
Ecological Principles 1 4
Physical Science (Disc PS) 2 4
Presentation Skills (possible Disc FPA) 2 4
Practicum 3 0
Elective 4
Statistics (Disc QR) 2 4
Writing Skills (Univ. writing req.) 2 4
NR 658 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems 4
NR 602 or Discovery Course 4
Third Year
NR 602 or Discovery Course 4
Ethics/Values Requirement 4
Focus Area Courses 8
OR Electives
OR any remaining Discovery or WI requirement
OR Capstone 4
Focus Area Courses 5 16
OR Electives
OR any remaining Discovery or WI requirements
OR Capstone 4
Fourth Year
Capstone Requirement 5 2-4
Focus Area Courses 12
OR Electives
OR any remaining Discovery of WI requirements
Capstone Requirement 5 2-4
Focus Area Courses 12
OR Electives
OR any remaining Discovery of WI requirements
 Total Credits126-130

All choices for the Ecological Principles requirement except for SAFS 502 are fall courses.


The Statistics, Physical Science, Writing Skills and Presentation Skills requirements may be taken in either the Fall or Spring Semester of the second year.


Work experience, internship, etc may be scheduled any time beginning in the second year.


One of the 2 credit capstone seminars may be taken in either the fall or spring of the junior year.


One 2 credit seminar may be taken in each of the Fall and Spring semesters of the Senior Year OR NR 786 may be taken in the Fall semester of the Senior Year.

Degree Requirements

Minimum Credit Requirement: 128 credits
Minimum Residency Requirement: 32 credits must be taken at UNH
Minimum GPA: 2.0 required for conferral*
Core Curriculum Required: Discovery & Writing Program Requirements
Foreign Language Requirement: No

All Major, Option and Elective Requirements as indicated.
*Major GPA requirements as indicated.

Major Requirements

Core Requirements
Foundational Courses:
NR 435
Contemporary Conservation Issues and Environmental Awareness
NR 437
Principles of Sustainability
Natural Science:
BIOL 412
Introductory Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Ecology
NR 439
Environmental Biology
Ecological Principles: Select one of the following4
NR 527
Forest Ecology
SAFS 502
Physical Science: Select one of the following4
NR 403
Introduction to Environmental Science
CHEM 403
General Chemistry I
CHBE 410
Energy and Environment
ESCI 409
Geology and the Environment
CEE 520
Environmental Pollution and Protection: A Global Context
PHYS 401
Introduction to Physics I
Social Science:
Resource Economics:
EREC 411
Environmental and Resource Economics Perspectives
Environmental Ethics and Values: Select one of the following4
NR 784
Sustainable Living - Global Perspectives
SOC 565
Environment and Society
Natural Resources Policy: Select one of the following4
NR 602
Natural Resources and Environmental Policy
NR 662
Environmental Policy, Planning and Sustainability in New Zealand
Essential Tools and Skills:
Field Methods:
NR 415
Natural Resources Field Methods
Statistics: Select one of the following4
BIOL 528
Applied Biostatistics I
EREC 525
Statistical Methods and Applications
Geospatial Analysis:
NR 658
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Writing Skills: Select one of the following4
ENGL 502
Professional and Technical Writing
ENGL 503
Persuasive Writing
ENGL #521
Nature Writers
Presentation Skills: Select one of the following4
NR 508
Communicating Science
CMN 500
Public Speaking
THDA 522
Storytelling, Story Theatre, and Involvement Dramatics
THDA 583
Introduction to Puppetry
THDA 624
Theatre for Young Audiences
Focus Area
Select seven total courses to create a focus area addressing an environmental issue, ecological system, or natural resource (see below) 128
Ecology and Natural Resources:
Select one to four courses: no more than one course may be at the 400 or 500 level. Additional courses must be at the 600 or 700 levels.
NR 433
Wildlife Ecology
NR 501
Studio Soils
NR #502
Forest Ecosystems and Environmental Change
NR 504
Freshwater Resources
NR #603
Landscape Ecology
NR 640
Wildlife Population Ecology
NR 642
Introduction to Biogeography
NR 650
Principles of Conservation Biology
NR 660
Ecology and Biogeography of New Zealand
NR 661
Restoration Ecology and Ecosystem Management in New Zealand
NR 663
Applied Directed Research in New Zealand
NR 664
Conservation Genetics and Applied Evolution
NR 706
Soil Ecology
NR 730
Terrestrial Ecosystems
NR 734
Tropical Ecology
NR 743
Addressing Arctic Challenges
NR 744
NR 751
Aquatic Ecosystems
NR 761
Environmental Soil Chemistry
NR 765
Community Ecology
NR 782
Forest Health in a Changing World
ESCI 405
Global Environmental Change
MEFB 628
Marine Invertebrate Evolution and Ecology
MEFB 674
Ecology and Marine Environment
MEFB 702
Sustainable Marine Fisheries
MEFB #725
Marine Ecology
MEFB 772
Fisheries Biology: Conservation and Management
MEFB 747
Aquatic Plants in Restoration/Management
MEFB 755
Biological Oceanography
SAFS 671
Agroecology and Sustainable Land Management in Aotearoa New Zealand
SAFS #760
Insect Pest Management
ZOOL 708
Stream Ecology
ZOOL 726
Conservation Behavior
Social Sciences
Select two to five courses: no more than one course may be at the 400 or 500 level. Additional courses must be at the 600 or 700 levels.
CEP 415
Community Development Perspectives
CEP 508
Applied Community Development
NR 507
Introduction to our Energy System and Sustainable Energy
NR #606
International Energy Topics
NR 608
Economics of Sustainability
NR 643
Economics of Forestry
NR 662
Environmental Policy, Planning and Sustainability in New Zealand
NR 720
International Environmental Politics and Policies for the 21st Century
NR 724
Resolving Environmental Conflicts
NR 784
Sustainable Living - Global Perspectives
NR 787
Advanced Topics in Sustainable Energy
ANTH #695
Globalization and Global Population Health
CEP 614
Fundamentals of Planning
CEP 673
Green Real Estate
ECON 605
Intermediate Microeconomic Analysis
ECON 645
International Economics
ECON 706
Economics of Climate Change
EREC 572
Introduction to Natural Resource Economics
EREC 606
Land Economics Perspectives: Uses, Policies, and Taxes
EREC 627
Community Economics
EREC 680
Agricultural and Food Policy
EREC 708
Environmental Economics
EREC 756
Rural and Regional Economic Development
GEOG 673
Political Ecology
HIST 618
American Environmental History
MARI 705
Introduction to Marine Policy: Understanding US Ocean, Coastal and Great Lakes Policy
POLT #751
Comparative Environmental Politics and Policy
SAFS 672
Pathways to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems in Aotearoa New Zealand
SAFS 673
Agricultural Production and Business Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand
SOC 665
Environmental Sociology
SOC 730
Communities and the Environment
TOUR 400
Introduction to Tourism
Advanced Tools & Skills and Natural History
Select at least one course
NR 425
Field Dendrology
NR 703
Watershed Water Quality Management
NR 707
Environmental Modeling
NR 712
NR 713
Quantitative Ecology
NR 729
NR 745
Forest Management
NR 749
Forest Inventory and Modeling
NR 757
Remote Sensing of the Environment
NR 759
Digital Image Processing for Natural Resources
NR 760
Geographic Information Systems in Natural Resources
NR 785
Systems Thinking for Sustainable Solutions
BIOL 752
New England Mushrooms: a Field and Lab Exploration
CEP 777
Topics in Community Planning
SAFS 670
Systems Thinking: Land Use Capability and Sustainability in Aotearoa New Zealand
SOC 601
Methods of Social Research
TOUR 767
Social Impact Assessment
ZOOL 542
Senior Capstone Options
The ECS major capstone experience may be filled by any one (1) of the following options:4
Option 1:
NR 786
Leadership for Sustainability
Option 2: Both seminars must be scheduled. At least one must be taken in the senior year.
NR 753
NR 754
Critical Issues in Sustainability: Sustainability as an Abundance Paradigm
and Critical Issues in Sustainability: Sense of Place
Option 3:
NR 663
Applied Directed Research in New Zealand (NZ Directed projects, if taken in the senior year) 2
Option 4:
Directed projects fulfilling one of the following: NR 799, McNair Research Theses, Hamel Center Programs (IROP, SURF USA, SURF Abroad, etc.) may be applied in consultation with the adviser and ECS program coordinator.
Work Experience
NR 600
Work Experience 3
Total Credits60

The focus area is based upon at least one course in the ecology and natural resources category, along with a combination of courses in the social sciences; tools, skills, and natural history categories; and any additional courses from the ecology and natural resources category reflecting the student's interests and future direction. Focus areas should be designed in close consultation with the adviser. Courses used to fulfill core requirements may not be used in the focus area.


If NR 663 Applied Directed Research in New Zealand is taken in the junior year or earlier, then one Critical Issues seminar (2cr) or Leadership for Sustainability must be taken in the senior year to fulfill the capstone requirement.


Each ECS major will engage in a practical experience reflecting their interests and goals. The choice of the experience will be made in conjunction with the adviser and may occur any time beginning with the sophomore year.

Students will be able to:

  • Describe and explain the interactions among physical, biological, chemical, and human components of the environment;
  • Formulate tests of environmental questions, acquire data, and apply scientific methods to answer these questions;
  • Describe and explain the ecological and societal value of biodiversity, sustainability, and environmental stewardship;
  • Use principles of ecology, economics, sustainability, and policy science to solve real-world environmental problems;
  • Communicate effectively to peers within the environmental community and with audiences outside of the discipline.

Explore Program Details

Key Learning Objectives:

Students will be able to:

  • Evaluate the validity and limitations of scientific theories and claims about the environment; 
  • Describe and explain the interactions among physical, biological, chemical, and human components of the environment; 
  • Formulate tests of environmental questions, acquire data, and apply scientific methods to answer these questions; 
  • Characterize the various social drivers of environmental problems and the relative attributes of policy instrument solutions; 
  • Locate, evaluate, and summarize print and electronic media including peer-reviewed literature and then compose and deliver informed positions on current environmental problems to the public. 
  • Describe and explain the ecological and societal value of biodiversity, sustainability, and environmental stewardship;
  • Master mathematical, statistical, and study design knowledge and skills, and use state-of-the-art software, hardware, and analytical techniques relevant to environmental conservation and sustainability:
  • Use principles of ecology, economics, sustainability, and policy science to solve real-world environmental problems;
  • Communicate effectively to peers within the environmental community and with audiences outside of the discipline.

In what department and college does the Environmental Conservation and Sustainability (ECS) major reside?

The ECS major is part of the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment in the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA) at UNH.

What other majors are in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment?

There are six other majors in the Department in addition to the ECS major. They are Forestry, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Environmental Science: Soil and Water, Environmental Science: Ecosystems, Environmental and Resource Economics, and Community and Environmental Planning.

Why should I major in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability?

ECS is a unique major in that it combines knowledge of the natural sciences with the human dimension. That is, there is also a large social science component where the student learns to deal with problem-solving, conflict resolution, policy analysis and other social aspects in order to have a real impact for the environment and sustainability.

What is required in the ECS major?

The ECS major has 14 core requirements (courses) that are a combination of (1) some foundational courses, (2) some natural science courses, (3) some social science courses, and (4) some skills and tools courses. There is also a seven-course Focus Area in which the student selects a specific topic (e.g., energy, forests, agriculture, economics, etc.) to gain more focused experience and deeper learning.

There is a senior capstone experience requirement (every major at UNH has some capstone experience) and a practicum/internship requirement. Finally, all UNH students must complete the university Discovery requirements (i.e., General Education).

How does a student decide on what classes to take?

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who helps each student to select the right courses each semester to progress towards graduation. The Focus Area is also discussed with the advisor and planned accordingly.

What kind of jobs do ECS students get?

There are so many answers to this question. Some students go on to graduate school. Some get job offers from an employer they worked for during the summer. Many go on to short-time, paid internships to build their resume. There are many opportunities in the private sector, federal and state agencies, and non-governmental organizations.

Rigorous academic pursuit and hands-on learning from the mountains to the sea. Full immersion learning at a diversity of sites in the North and South Islands.


Xi Sigma Pi is facilitated through the UNH NREN department. Its goal is to unite likeminded individuals through service and fraternal spirit through a shared enjoyment of the environment. In addition, members receive recognition for their service by earning a cord to wear during graduation. Opportunities to take up leadership roles and give back to the NREN department are abundant.

XI SIGMA PI NREN Honor Society

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A view of T-Hall on the UNH campus.
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