Nicole Lee ‘17

An Education that Helps Others
UNH alumna Nicole Lee '17

Nicole Lee ‘17 is a nutrition and wellness alumna from Niantic, Connecticut. She is now a WIC nutritionist in Boston and is enjoying UNH vicariously through her brother Anthony, who is a sophomore at the university.

COLSA: What are you doing now?

Nicole Lee: I am currently working as a WIC nutritionist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. I provide counseling and food resources to families that are living below the poverty line. My clients include pregnant and postpartum women, infants, and children below the age of 5.

COLSA: How did your time at UNH prepare you for where you are today?

Nicole: I developed my counseling skills during my senior year practicum with Professor Pietro. I had the chance to work one-on-one with a client to help her meet her nutritional goals. I feel as though this real life experience was incredibly beneficial as a student, and I encourage all nutrition students to get as many hands on experiences as possible while they’re at UNH - it will make you feel more comfortable when you enter the nutrition field!

COLSA: Where do you see yourself in five years? In 10?

Nicole: In five years, I hope to be working as a registered nurse in a children’s hospital in New Hampshire or Boston. In ten years, I hope to still be working as a registered nurse, but I would also like to be a certified diabetes educator as well as a yoga teacher on the side!

COLSA: What do you know now that you wish you'd known while an undergrad?

Nicole: I wish that I had known that stressing over the future isn’t helpful! I still need to remind myself to focus on the present. I would get so worked up over my future and jobs and even my personal life goals that I wouldn’t enjoy the present moment. I encourage undergrads to take life one day at a time and to have a lot of fun at UNH - college goes by so fast!

COLSA: What person or course most influenced you while at UNH? How?

Nicole: My advisor and professor, Dr. Dylewski Begis! I learned so much in her nutrition assessment and obesity treatment classes, and I valued her dedication to my success as my academic advisor. She is an excellent professor and mentor!

COLSA: What was the best/most memorable course you took at UNH and why?

Nicole: I loved taking sports nutrition with Professor Pietro! I volunteered at the Fueling Station in the field house with the student athletes so I loved being able to learn about their specific dietary needs in this course. Also, I found Professor Pietro to be an engaging professor. I loved his class — I took three classes with him because I loved his teaching style and he was easy to talk to.

COLSA: What advice do you have for students interested in your field?

Nicole: If you’re thinking about working for WIC, you should know that it’s a high stress but extremely fulfilling. Some of my clients may be food insecure as well as homeless, of high medical risk, victims of domestic abuse, battling addiction, etc. Providing care for these participants can be challenging at times but it is very important work.

COLSA: What do you miss most about UNH?

Nicole: I don’t even know where to begin, honestly. I miss going to class and living near my friends. You don’t realize how lucky you are to have your best friends down the street from you until you graduate and move to different parts of the country.

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