Culinary Nutrition and Food Studies (Minor)

Culinary Nutrition and Food Studies (Minor)
Student ladeling soup in the Thompson School kitchen

The Culinary Nutrition and Food Studies minor at UNH provides a unique blend of practical culinary skills and in-depth knowledge of nutrition and food science. You will learn how to prepare nutritious and satisfying meals and develop a broad understanding of dietary needs and how food choices impact well-being. This minor is ideal for students interested in the intersection of nutrition and wellness and are passionate about cooking, food and good health.

What is culinary nutrition and food studies?

As a student in the culinary nutrition and food studies minor, you’ll be able to combine your interest in nutritional sciences, food production and policies with hands-on experience in the culinary arts. You’ll learn the scientific principles of human nutrition to promote health and well-being, as well as food science, culture, management and systems. Plus, you’ll develop culinary arts skills in a lab setting. Combine the minor with a major in sustainable agriculture, ecogastronomy, hospitality management, nutrition or any health-related degree to prepare for future careers in allied health or health promotion, business or the hospitality industry.

Why study culinary nutrition and food studies at UNH?

You’ll receive a broad introduction to the relationship between food, nutrition and health in this minor. This foundation will ready you for employment in a variety of settings, including schools, fitness centers, nonprofit organizations and community agencies. You’ll gain hands-on experience through demonstration, practice and evaluation in our lab kitchens. We also offer the UNH-in-Italy program, through which you can experience the medieval city of Ascoli Piceno while studying diet, nutrition and food culture in another part of the world.

Potential career areas

  • Dietary counseling
  • Education
  • Food product development
  • Hospital or care facility consultation
  • Nutrition writing
  • Research Sports dietitian
  • Wellness consultation

Curriculum & Requirements

The Culinary Nutrition & Food Studies Minor provides students the ability to explore the foundation of nutritional sciences and gain a practical appreciation of the culinary arts while building an understanding of our food environment & culture as it applies to human health. The minor offers students hands-on learning experiences in culinary arts and the flexibility to incorporate study abroad coursework via the UNH in Italy program.

The minor may be of interest to students preparing for future careers in allied health or health promotion and who recognize the growing need for training in culinary nutrition. Dietitians, physicians, wellness coaches, nurses, and other health care providers with strong culinary skills will likely be better equipped to empower clients to choose and prepare healthier food choices. 

Students declare the Culinary Nutrition & Food Studies minor by submitting the Intent to Minor form online, preferably prior to the start of their junior year. Submission of the Intent to Minor form is required to gain registration preference in certain courses if space is available and by discretion of the instructor. To complete the minor, students submit a Certification of Completion of Minor form during their final semester at UNH.

Requirements for the Culinary Nutrition & Food Studies Minor (20 credits).

Required Core Courses8
NUTR 400
Nutrition in Health and Well Being
NUTR 403
Culinary Arts Skills Development
Food Studies Electives - Select two courses:8
NUTR 405
Food and Society
NUTR 525
Food and Culture in Italy
NUTR 530
Critical Analysis in Food Studies
NUTR 550
Food Science: Principle and Practice
HMGT 570
International Food and Culture
HMGT 771
International Wine and Beverage
NUTR 730
From Seed to Sea: Examining Sustainable Food Systems
SAFS 415
Introduction to Brewing Art and Science
SAFS 620
Food Systems & Community Resilience
Culinary Nutrition Practicum 4
NUTR 628
Culinary Nutrition Practicum


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