
Published research, an industry in peril
Mary Kate Munley '21 is a marine, estuarine and freshwater biology major who was one of the authors of a recently published study about the impact of “red tides” on Florida’s Gulf Coast on stone crabs.
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Researcher Alyssa Stasse uses genetic techniques, such as genome and transcriptome sequencing, to determine differences between populations of eastern oysters.
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A STEM Research Partnership between UNH & Gyeonggi Science High School for the Gifted in South Korea
Professor Subhash Minocha hosted eight students from the Gyeonggi Science High School for the Gifted in Suwon, South Korea as part of the Science Research Internship Program (SRIP).
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Bacteria Blooms Threaten Lake, Human and Animal Health
The Cyanobacteria Monitoring Collective (CMC) met to discuss ongoing efforts to track blooms and strategize about ways to educate the public.
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Wildlife and Conservation Biology Major Talks Research & Working with Faculty
Listen to wildlife and conservation biology major Jenna O'del '20 talk about what the unique opportunities to  conduct research and work with faculty on their research projects while an undergrad means to her.
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In the Field
Alina Harris '19G is a student in UNH's agricultural sciences master's program. Find out what she's doing and why she loves doing it at New Hampshire's flagship research university.
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Work at the Intersection of Nutrition Research and Population Health
Although born in Ottawa, Canada, Caitlin Porter '20G grew up in New Hampshire, which made her especially eager to return to the state and enroll in UNH’s Nutritional Sciences master’s program after receiving her bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from the University of Connecticut.
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COLSA Well Represented Among Winners
In 2021, the UNH Sustainability Institute launched the UNH Sustainability Awards, which recognizes activities and achievements that best embody the principles and practices of sustainability.
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New grant will fund study on one of the most unique biomaterials known to humankind
Hagfish slime, which has been described as the grossest super-material in existence, might be one of the most unique biomaterials known to humankind — and UNH scientist and assistant professor David Plachetzki has received a grant from the National…
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Professor Pete Pekins leads a team of undergraduate and graduate students as they track radio-collared moose and their calves to chart their survival.
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Meet Xena, the synthetic cadaver who entered lab classrooms earlier this semester. Her guts, arteries, organs, blood flow and real-feeling flesh give the anatomy and physiology students who work with her a truly hands-on learning experience. 
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UNH has been awarded a five-year, $10 million National Institutes of Health (NIH) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant to accelerate the translation of its basic biomedical and bioengineering research into clinical and commercialization opportunities leading to improved diagnosis…
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