First Name Last Name Middle Initial UNH I.D. Number Street Address City/State Zip Telephone Hometown (City, State) Expected Graduation Date Degree/Option Indicate enrollment semesters you are requesting scholarships for NREN/NRESS Fall 2023 NREN/NRESS Spring 2024 UNH GPA List Extracurricular Activities and Positions, On and Off Campus: List present and previous employment, including part-time employment, and professional summer work: Please list three people who can act as reference on character, knowledge of activities and past employment. Include address and phone numbers, if available: Your college expenses for current academic year are paid from: (Give percentage from each - Family, Loans, Grants, Scholarships, Self, Other) Please indicate the scholarship(s) for which you wish to be considered: Ruth E. Farrington [M.S. Graduate Student in Forestry OR M.S. Graduate Student in NREN: Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, Ecosystem Science, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, or NREN option with concentrations in Forestry beyond their option] College Woods Scholarship [M.S. Graduate Student in NREN: Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, Ecosystem Science, Forestry, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, or NREN option] Neff Forestry Scholarship [M.S. graduate student in NREN: Forestry option] Please write (in the space below) or attach a statement outlining your career goals and the ways in which you want to contribute in meeting tomorrow's challenges in Natural Resources with emphasis on your major. This essay is a significant part of the evaluation process. CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.