UNH Sustainability Awards

COLSA Well Represented Among Winners
UNH Professor John Aber at the organic dairy

In 2021, the UNH Sustainability Institute launched the UNH Sustainability Awards, which recognizes activities and achievements that best embody the principles and practices of sustainability in four categories: research and scholarship; curriculum development and teaching; campus operations, initiatives and culture; and external engagement.

We are proud to share the winners from COLSA. For more information on  the awards, including a complete list of recipients, click here.

  • John Aber, professor of natural resources and the environment, for research and scholarship
  • Ocean Projects (Elizabeth Fairchild, research associate professor of biological sciences; Larry Harris, professor emeritus of biological sciences and Rob Swift, professor of mechanical and ocean engineering) for curriculum development and teaching
  • Andrew Odgen, senior lecturer in the department of agriculture, nutrition and food systems, for curriculum development and teaching
  • Pete Kane ’18, horticulture production coordinator, for campus operations, initiatives and culture
  • Basic and Applied Spatial Analysis Lab (BASAL) (Russell Congalton, professor of remote sensing and GIS, Jianyu Gu, postdoctoral researcher, and Heather Grybas, doctoral candidate) for research and scholarship
  • Elizabeth Cain ’21, environmental conservation and sustainability major, for campus operations, initiatives and culture
  • UNH Dietetic Internship Program, for campus operations, initiatives and culture
  • Elizabeth Fairchild, research associate professor of biological sciences, for research and scholarship
  • Forrest Hayden ’21, animal science major, external engagement
  • Sadie MacIver ’21, animal science major, external engagement
  • Sabrina Grovom ’21, nutrition major, campus operations, initiatives and culture