Roman Volpe '24

Pursuing a passion, finding a community
UNH nutrition major Roman Volpe practices nutrition counseling with a peer

Roman Volpe is a nutrition: health and wellness major with a dual major in ecogastronomy. He has received the Trustees Scholarship, the Non-Resident Tuition Grant and the Wildcat Family Award and has been on the Dean’s List for highest honors.

COLSA: Why did you choose UNH?

Roman Volpe: I chose UNH because of the faculty and academic programs. Having a sense of community was very important to me, and I felt that UNH offered me exactly that. UNH also offers many unique programs. I came here knowing I could study abroad as well as study ecogastronomy, something that isn't offered anywhere else. New England is a beautiful area, and nothing beats seeing the leaves change color in the fall.

COLSA: What is your major and what do you love about it?

Roman: My major is nutrition: health and wellness and with a dual major in ecogastronomy. What I love about my major is all the opportunities. Studying nutrition and ecogastronomy at UNH, I am able to study abroad, take cooking classes, learn about exercise physiology and connect all the pieces of wellness. Wellness is so important, and it's more than just eating healthy and exercising. Being able to understand how to be well and find a community that believes the same ideas is really special and makes me love what I do.

COLSA What's the best academic experience you've had at UNH?

Roman: The best academic experience I've had at UNH was my time abroad, specifically in a class called Critical Analysis in Food Studies. Through this class I got to dive deeper into an topic of study I’m passionate about, and I learned a lot. This class also provided me with a lot of self-discovery and unique chances to view food from a different lens. I was able to learn about more than just food and will carry this experience with me throughout my life.

COLSA: What's the best experience you've had at UNH outside the classroom/lab?

Roman: The best experience I've had at UNH outside the classroom has been my role as a resident advisor. Being an RA has given me the college experience I was looking for. It taught me to say yes to things and to be a positive role model for others. It helped me develop my leadership skills and expand my sense of community. Being an RA throughout my time at college has made UNH feel like home.

COLSA: How is UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

Roman: UNH has prepared me to achieve my goals by offering ways to really customize my experience here. I have learned lots of skills from being a part of different clubs and organizations and have also honed my field specific skills in the classroom as part of opportunities such as one-on-one counseling practice. UNH offers lots of help and resources to students and makes it easy to feel prepared for what’s ahead.

COLSA: What should prospective students know about UNH?

Roman: Prospective students should know to be themselves! There is a group for everyone, and they shouldn't worry about being someone they aren't. They should try new things and say yes to everything. There are so many fun events that happen on campus! I have made a lot of memories during my time at UNH, and the best ones were when I opened myself up to new experiences and opportunities.

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