Noah Hopkins ’24 is a nutrition and wellness major from Bath, Maine. A type 1 diabetes diagnosis when he was 4 years old has fueled Noah’s interest in health and nutrition, and his experience at UNH is preparing him for a career helping people living with the disease.
COLSA: What's your major and why did you choose it?
Noah Hopkins: My major is nutrition and wellness. When I came to UNH, I wasn't sure what I wanted to study and remained undeclared in CHHS, focused on exercise science. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of four, so I am deeply passionate about my health and wellbeing, and I knew that I felt most fulfilled when helping others. I also knew that I thrived in dynamic, hands-on environments and in smaller groups led by educators who are passionate about learning.
When I discovered the UNH nutrition major, it felt like all of these needs could be met. And by choosing the option nutrition and wellness, I had the freedom to also focus on the role of exercise science within a holistic approach to nutritional wellbeing.
COLSA: During your time at UNH, what are you most proud of?
Noah: During my time at UNH, I am most proud of taking the initiative to work with my professors, advisors and mentors and ask for their help in creating growth opportunities. I've found this to be the most rewarding and impactful aspect of what college has to offer. Education is meant to be passed on, and by fully engaging in the learning process, one can cultivate meaningful relationships and take full advantage of the knowledge and guidance faculty provide.
COLSA: What are you planning to do after graduation?
Noah: After graduating, I plan to continue my education in nutrition science and diabetes care, discovering ways to merge both disciplines to have a positive impact on the growing population of those living with diabetes. At the same time, I plan to focus on advocacy, research and funding for the type 1 diabetes community.
COLSA: How is UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?
Noah: UNH is helping prepare me to achieve these goals by providing unique learning opportunities such as internships that allow for applicable, hands-on work in a professional setting, and by facilitating real-world connections with industry professionals. Perhaps most importantly, UNH has allowed me to further my own cultural awareness and proficiency while studying nutrition abroad, through the UNH in Italy program.
COLSA: What do you love most about UNH?
Noah: It's hard for me to choose one thing that I love most about UNH. I love the sense of community that is present everywhere on campus. I'm also inspired by the amount of passionate students, researchers and professors who are excited about the work that they are doing and eager to talk about it. That passion is contagious, and I see it everywhere at UNH.
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