Nathan Adams ‘20

Third Generation Dairy Farmer Takes His Knowledge to a New Level
UNH Applied Animal Science major Nathan Adams '20

Following graduation, Nathan Adams ’20 will be joining his father at his family’s 515-cow dairy farm in Westmoreland, NH. And when he goes, he’ll be taking with him the specialized knowledge he’s acquired thanks to the Thompson School’s Applied Animal Science program.

COLSA: Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?

Nathan Adams: I am most proud of what I learned in Professor Drew Conroy’s intro to dairy herd management class. It took my hands on knowledge from farm experience and brought it to a whole new level.

COLSA: What motivates you?

Adams: My family's dairy farm, in hard economic times I’m hoping to learn things I can progressively take back to make the farm more efficient

COLSA: Why did you choose your major?

Adams: I want to take over our family farm someday.

COLSA: Any advice for students interested in your major?

Adams: Try to get an internship or work at an agriculture facility before college. Just having basic background really helps apply the knowledge to what your interests are.

COLSA: What are you planning to do after graduation?

Adams: Go to work for my dad alongside my brother at the farm.

COLSA: How is your experience at UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

Adams: My experience is helping me  find new ways to motivate myself as well as learn updated techniques to bring back to the farm.

COLSA: What do you love most about UNH?

Adams: The history of UNH is rooted in agriculture. I think the courses and opportunities here do a great job giving students an understanding of what it really takes to be a dairy farmer.

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