Keirra Bartley ’21G

Empowered to pursue her passions and well-prepared for her career in dietetics
UNH nutrition and dietetics master's program alumna Keirra Bartley

Keirra Bartley graduated in 2021 from COLSA’s nutrition and dietetics master’s degree program with dietetic internship, or MSDI for short. She is from Bedford, New Hampshire and is currently working for the Montana Dietetic Internship at Montana State University.

COLSA: What are you doing now?

Keirra Bartley: I am currently the assistant director of the Montana Dietetic Internship, supporting students through their internship placements throughout the state, and empowering them to pursue their interests in the field. I also currently teach mindfulness to youth in my community. Since graduating from UNH's MSDI program, I have worked as a registered dietitian specializing in eating disorder care in settings like a day treatment program, my private practice, and outpatient contracting companies.

COLSA: How did your time at UNH prepare you for where you are today?

Keirra: I felt very well prepared to enter the dietetics profession, with all of the experiences UNH's program provided. I appreciated having a well-rounded experience in the MSDI - from conducting research to creating sustainable food systems interventions for our community and getting valuable clinical experience. These experiences opened up job opportunities in several areas of dietetics — something I find exciting about the profession. I also felt empowered by the program leaders to pursue my passions, and they provided me with support and resources to do so.

COLSA: Where do you see yourself in five years? In 10?

Keirra: In five years, I hope to continue supporting clients experiencing disordered eating, teaching mindfulness and developing curriculum for the treatment of eating disorders that considers sustainable food systems and other systems at large. I see myself continuing to enjoy the outdoors of Montana and New England, connect with these communities, and deepen my mindfulness practice.

COLSA: What do you know now that you wish you'd known while an undergrad?

Keirra: I wish I knew my capabilities as a dietetic intern and future dietitian, and how exciting it is to be constantly learning new things as a dietitian.

COLSA: What person or course most influenced you while at UNH? How?

Keirra: Dr. Amy Taetzsch influenced me the most. She embodies curiosity and compassion that I think is so important in our profession.

COLSA: What advice do you have for students interested in your field?

Keirra: Dietitians are incredible, and we need more of them! COLSA: What do you miss most about UNH? Keirra: My lovely classmates and the professors.

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