Katie Low

Cyanotoxins in freshwater food webs
Katie Low

Biological Sciences: Integrative and Organismal Biological Sciences - MS
Email address: kel1044@wildcats.unh.edu
Advisor: Jim Haney; advisor's website

The goal of my research is to track the movement of a naturally-produced neurotoxin (BMAA) through lake food webs in northwest Wyoming. I want to know how much BMAA is produced and from where within these systems. I am also interested in how BMAA enters the food chain and how it transfers across trophic levels. I will use stable isotope analysis to establish trophic relationships and track the flow of energy, and toxins, through these systems. In addition to bettering our collective understanding of cyanotoxin movement in freshwater systems, this research will provide baseline water quality and species data for remote lakes in Wyoming.