Kaitlyn LeClair ‘19

Finding Her Niche, Following Her Passion
UNH Applied Animal Science major Kaitlyn LeClair '19

Kaitlyn LeClair ’19 rode Morgan horses for 10 years before she arrived at UNH and discovered her love of the breed displaced by a new interest: cows. Now the Applied Animal Science major is preparing to stay at UNH for another two years to earn her bachelor’s degree in Animal Science after she receives her associate’s degree in May.

COLSA: Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?

Kaitlyn LeClair: I am most proud of my hard work these past two years. It has been a major change from high school to college, but I think that I have transitioned well. It has not been an easy road and it has had its ups and downs academically but I have that drive behind me to finish strong. That drive being my support system consisting of family and friends.

COLSA: What motivates you?

LeClair: Daily, I motivate myself to get my work done, but my parents also play a big role. They have been there since day one pushing me to strive for what I want to become.

COLSA: Why did you choose your major?

LeClair: I chose applied animal science because I always wanted a career that had something to do with animals. I can't thank my father enough for giving me the love of agriculture. He’s a logger who grew up around pulling horses and loves the outdoors. He got me into riding horses and the whole agriculture thing going to fairs, etc. I’ve always had a passion for animals, and I knew this program would be the best choice for me.

COLSA: Any advice for students interested in your major?

LeClair: There are so many different career path options. Be open-minded. Back when I was in high school I thought that I was going to become a veterinarian and that is not the case anymore. Keep your mind and options open. There is so much opportunity here at UNH to gain hands-on experience in your field of study. Talk to your professors. They love helping students — that's why they are here.

COLSA: What are you planning to do after graduation?

LeClair: After graduation I am transferring into the four-year Animal Science program to continue my education here at UNH.

COLSA: How is UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

LeClair: Honestly I have to give a big shout out to my advisor, Professor Drew Conroy. He has been a huge help in preparing me to achieve my goals.  He is there any time that I need help me with anything, academic or otherwise. He’s been very involved in helping me figure out how to get my bachelor’s degree following my associate’s degree. His help and support has made it possible for me to finish in four years with two degrees.

COLSA: What do you love most about UNH?

LeClair: The community. My past two years I have met so many different people. Many that will probably be lifelong friends. UNH is a big school with lots of students but you can find your own niche. I have found many people in my major that have the same interests and it’s nice to have that sense of community within UNH.

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