Joshua Morrison '23 is a nutrition: nutritional sciences option major from Hanson, Massachusetts.
Joshua Morrison: The option I have chosen is nutritional sciences. Originally, I was a dietetics major and was sure I wanted to become a dietitian. It wasn't until my sophomore year that I realized I wanted to seek further education after completing my bachelor’s degree here at UNH. That was when I was recommended the nutritional sciences option, which turned out to be the perfect choice for someone still interested in nutrition but with the desire to attend grad school.
Joshua: From my perspective, nutrition is extremely important because no matter who you are, it is a part of your everyday life. Everyday each one of us makes multiple decisions about food such as where to eat, when to eat or what to eat. Because these decisions are made so often, quality of food and how the food may affect the body is often overlooked. Nutritionists are here to spread awareness and educate people on healthy eating habits and how these quickly made decisions can affect us in the long run.
Joshua: One thing I love about the nutrition program is the incredible support from the professors and advisors. They are always willing sit down and discuss a topic to help students further understand material. It's clear that the professors' main priority is the success of their students. This makes taking hard courses less stressful, as everyone feels welcome in the classroom. Additionally, being a nutrition major offers many different opportunities for students to get involved in the community and get hands-on experience with real world problems. Clubs and organizations are also readily available.
Joshua: Once I receive my bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences, I plan to pursue a degree in physical therapy. After discovering physical therapy a few years ago, I have fallen in love with the idea of helping patients become more in tune with their bodies. Rehabilitation is something that specifically interests me, and I hope to be able to apply my knowledge of nutrition as a physical therapist. I love being able to teach people new things, and I believe this mixture of nutrition and PT will be exactly what I need to do so.
Joshua: Keep an open mind and don’t trust everything you read. There are far too many sources on the internet that are providing readers with inaccurate information. Words to live by when I comes to nutrition, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is. Check your information and always try to use reliable sources. That being said, do not be afraid to try new things! Everyone's body is different and will react to things differently than others. Find what works for you while respecting the facts.

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