Graeme Lambert ‘19

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UNH biochemistry major Graeme Lambert

All biochemistry majors know that enzymes help speed biochemical reactions. So of course Graeme Lambert ’19, biochemistry major and president of the UNH Chapter of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, knows all these complex proteins. And the Canaan, NH native knows all about speed: he’s graduating this May, a whole year early, and heading to graduate school in the fall, having achieved a rate of motion he admits he wasn’t sure was possible.

COLSA: Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?

Graeme Lambert: I am most proud of pushing myself to graduate an entire year early. I am proud that I pushed myself academically and had the determination to take extra classes and complete my biochemistry undergraduate degree within three years.

I am most proud of this achievement because I (and others) believed it would be impossible to complete such a task, and even if it was possible it would be unreasonably difficult. But with many sleepless nights and restless vacations, I persevered to achieve this goal I had set for myself.

COLSA: Why did you choose your major?

Lambert: I chose my major because for as long as I can remember I’ve had an interest in science. My mind operates from a scientific standpoint, ridiculing with skepticism and searching for evidence. I excelled in my labs in AP chemistry in high school and I took on an internship at Dartmouth's research facility in an immunology lab.

This is where my interest in cancer research blossomed and brought me to biochemistry. I knew that with a biochemistry degree I would be prepared to either look for careers in the cancer research field, or I would be set up for furthering my education through the pursuit of a master’s degree or Ph.D., which would only further prepare for me for a career enriched in science.

COLSA: Any advice for students interested in your major?

Lambert: If I were to give advice to students in my major, I would recommend joining the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. It is a club for the biochemistry major any other scientifically inclined people. It’s a space where people with similar struggles can help one another to succeed.

I would also recommend pushing yourself and never selling yourself short. This is a hard major and it requires a lot of work and dedication especially if you involve yourself in a research lab outside of class time. Expose yourself to new opportunities and enrich yourself while you have so many resources at your fingertips. Learn about your major and about yourself, because it’s never too late to change your mind but if this is something you love, hold on tight till the end because while the road is long and hard the end result is worth all of your hard work.

COLSA: What are you planning to do after graduation?

Lambert: I’m attending Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass to pursue my master’s degree in biotechnology. After I get my master’s I will be looking for a job with a company doing cancer research.

COLSA: How is UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

Lambert: UNH has prepared me to achieve my goals by making it possible to graduate in three years and has surrounded me with an enriching experience where I can learn more about myself and my field of study. I have been surrounded by excellent professors with vast knowledge in their respective fields but also extensive advice for the real world. The professors here have written me phenomenal recommendations that have helped me get accepted to a university with a major I find extremely interesting and will help me get one step closer to the start of my career.

COLSA: What do you love most about UNH?

Lambert: The thing I love most about UNH is the professors. There is so many professors from all walks of life, and whether you like them or not they all teach you something about the world. The professors that I have come to know and love have shown me nothing but kindness and understanding, guiding me through my time here and showing me how to better prepare myself.

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