Grace Hurni '24

An Opportunity to Get to Know the UNH Community
UNH student Grace Hurni '24

Grace Hurni is a biomedical science: medical and veterinary sciences major from Atkinson, New Hampshire.

COLSA: Please describe your job with ConvenientMD.

Grace: Our job consists of 10-hour workdays filled with prepping test kits, swabbing for COVID-19, registration for tests, and working to ensure the safety of the UNH community.

COLSA: Why did you apply for the job?

Grace: I applied for this job because I figured that this would set me up with a solid foundation for what is to come within my major. As a freshman, I did not know anyone, and this job allowed me to do good for my community while also getting to know the community at the same time.

COLSA: What is the most important or interesting thing you've learned so far?

Grace: Despite all the differences that everyone possesses, at the end of the day, everyone needs to do their part to keep our community safe. Everyone has that common goal. It has been incredibly interesting to see how we respond to a pandemic and how this has impacted our community. I have been able to meet people that I may not have met otherwise, such as members of the fire department, police department, facilities, housekeeping, contractors, staff, professors, students, etc.

"Despite all the differences that everyone possesses, at the end of the day, everyone needs to do their part to keep our community safe."

COLSA: What does it mean to you to be on the front lines doing essential work to help manage the spread of COVID-19?

Grace: It can be an extremely grueling job, especially with 10+ hour workdays. However, even though it is work and there are necessary cautions that need to be taken, we all have fun. We enjoy each other's company and the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. It also gave an insightful perspective on other frontline workers.

COLSA: How has this experience been valuable for you?

Grace: As a freshman, this experience has allowed me to meet such a wide variety of people and become a part of the UNH community. This experience allowed me to strengthen my work ethic and communication skills and get a hands-on experience with a myriad of different people from the community. I am extremely grateful.

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