Diya Anand '21

Doing Her Part to Keep UNH Community Safe
UNH student Diya Anand '21

Diya Anand is a biology major who plans to apply to medical school. She is from Andover, Mass.

COLSA: Please describe your job with ConvenientMD.

Diya: I work as a COVID-19 tester. Over the past several months I’ve helped to test students, staff and faculty so that they are able to remain on campus.

COLSA: Why did you apply for the job?

Diya:  I applied for this job because I was hoping to give back to UNH and serve the university in the best way possible. When I came across the opportunity, I was so excited to help make campus as safe and comfortable as possible for the community.

"I was looking for the most hands-on way to help create a safe environment for the UNH community, and working on the frontlines has allowed me to play a part in that."

COLSA: What is the most important or interesting thing you've learned so far?

Diya: The most interesting thing I’ve learned so far is the importance of spreading knowledge about all things COVID. It’s so fascinating to learn about how the testing process works, how tests are handled and how PPE and sanitization is so important.

COLSA: What does it mean to you to be on the front lines doing essential work to help manage the spread of COVID-19?

Diya: I feel like I was meant to do this. I was looking for the most hands-on way to help create a safe environment for the UNH community, and working on the frontlines has allowed me to play a part in that.

COLSA: How has this experience been valuable for you?

Diya: I’ve been so grateful to have gained this experience in helping out our community. I’ve learned so much and I’m so glad to have been a part of a huge step forward.

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