Biological Sciences: Integrative and Organismal Biological Sciences - PHD
Email address: dhm1009@wildcats.unh.edu
Advisor: Dr. Melissa Aikens; advisor's website
I attended Michigan State University for my undergrad and earned degrees in Genomics & Molecular Genetics and Anthropology. While at MSU, I was a research assistant in Dr. Richard Lenski's long-term experimental E. coli evolution. I earned a master's in Post-secondary Biology Education from Northern Michigan University in Marquette, MI. After graduating, I spent time working in Admissions for NMU and teaching introductory biology labs as an adjunct.
I am interested in discipline-based education research. At UNH, I plan on studying the persistence and retention of undergraduate biology students with a special focus on high-impact learning practices, supports/barriers, and transfer students. I will also be helping with the Pathway to Professions in the Biosciences (P2Bio) program partnership between UNH and Great Bay Community College.