Brandy Moser '26G

At the intersection of nutrition, health and the gut microbiome
UNH doctoral candidate Brandy Moser

Brandy Moser is a nutritional sciences doctoral candidate from Northampton, Pennsylvania. She earned bachelor’s degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology and nutritional sciences from Boston University and a master’s degree in nutritional sciences from UNH.

Although bacteria are Brandy’s main research focus, she also has another passion. “I have fallen in love with fungi!” she says. “I started growing mushrooms and hope to have a small farm one day.”

COLSA: How would you explain your discipline and/or research to a non-scientist?

Brandy Moser: My work focuses on the intersections of nutrition, health, and the gut microbiome. I primarily study microbes that live in the digestive system and how those microbes are influenced by the foods we eat, like fiber-rich fruits and veggies. I also look at how the microbes in our gut can influence our health and immune system.

COLSA: What do you wish your colleagues/friends/family knew about your work?

Brandy: Microbes are fun! The microbes in our gut are extremely important for our health.

COLSA: Have you learned/discovered anything during your research that’s surprised you? If so, what?

Brandy: My master's work uncovered some interesting connections between human inflammation and the functions of the gut microbiome. We found bacterial genes involved in producing a toxin were related to inflammation and glycemic dysregulation in humans.

UNH doctoral candidate Brandy Moser

COLSA: What do you consider your biggest challenge?

Brandy: My biggest challenge in grad school has been accepting how vast science is. There are so many disciplines, endless existing information, and so much yet to be discovered. Working in interdisciplinary teams has been a great opportunity to expand my perspectives and learn about other aspects of science.

COLSA: Why did you choose UNH?

Brandy: I chose UNH because of its interdisciplinary agriculture, nutrition, and food systems department and incredible research opportunities.

COLSA: What do you plan to do with your degree?

Brandy: I hope to work as a Registered Dietitian and either teach or continue to work in research.