Anna Stockman '20

Helping Communities Prosper
UNH alumna Anna Stockman '20

Anna Stockman graduated from UNH in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in community and environmental planning. The Exeter, NH native has been shaped by her curiosity. “I strive to be inquisitive and to keep an open mind,” she says, “especially when approaching new situations or topics.”

COLSA: What are you doing now?

Anna Stockman: Since graduating from UNH in May with a degree in Community and Environmental Planning and a minor in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, I have joined Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC) to work as a planner on their Community & Business Services team.

At EMDC, I work directly with municipal and regional partners on land use, development, environmental and infrastructure planning, as well as GIS mapping. I help communities plan for their future growth, unite over a common vision, and complete an inventory of current and historic trends, which ultimately assists them in securing state grants and loans.

COLSA: How did your time at UNH prepare you for where you are today?

Anna: Throughout my journey at UNH, the communication and data analysis skills I gained through mentors, courses, extracurriculars, and a fellowship were what prepared me most to be where I am today.

COLSA: Where do you see yourself in five years? In 10?

Anna: Within the next five years, I plan to further my education and earn a master's degree. In 10 years, I envision myself working in the community development or sustainability sector, where I can use my knowledge and experience to serve others while exploring my passions for environmental sustainability and community outreach.

COLSA: What do you know now that you wish you'd known while an undergrad?

Anna: I know now to be open to change and new experiences, and that it's okay to pursue a variety of career interests. There is no single path one must choose. The more interests you explore, the more you will learn about yourself and what you’re passionate about.

COLSA: What person or course most influenced you while at UNH? How?

Anna: Mary Friedman, COLSA’s principal lecturer and program coordinator for Community and Environmental Planning influenced me the most. Dr. Friedman’s passion for community development and planning is what initially sparked my interest in the field. Her Community Development Perspectives course is what inspired me to switch my major to Community and Environmental Planning.

COLSA: What advice do you have for students interested in your field?

Anna: For students interested in community and environmental planning, I recommend taking advantage of summer and winter breaks to get an internship and as much applied experience in the field as possible prior to graduation. UNH Cooperative Extension, where I worked in the summers of 2019 and 2020, offers great internship and fellowship opportunities.

COLSA: What do you miss most about UNH?

Anna: What I miss most are the people, particularly my classmates and professors. I also miss my former bosses and coworkers at the UNH Museum of Art, where I worked as a gallery attendant for 3 years.

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