Alyssa Wilson ‘19

A Change that Made Everything Clear
UNH Veterinary Technology student Alyssa Wilson

Alyssa Wilson didn’t grow up planning to become a veterinary technician. In fact, she says, she hated the idea. But after transferring to UNH and discovering that she had a real affinity for the field, the Dover, New Hampshire native changed her mind.

COLSA: Looking back on your time at UNH so far, what are you most proud of and why?

Alyssa Wilson: I’m proud of the student I’ve become. After I transferred to the Thompson School after my freshman year I buckled down and focused, and it has made all the difference. I’m proud that I forced myself out of my usual comfort zone. I am now vice president of Vet Tech club, and in June I am heading down to the Dominican Republic with my professor and fellow classmates to assist at a spay and neuter clinic. With a lot of dedication, I am proud of the work I have done, skills I have gained, and the friendships I have made.

COLSA: What motivates you?

Wilson: My passion for animals really motivates me. Knowing the amount of care I can provide to sick or injured animals makes me want to work hard and be the best technician I can be. I get a lot of support and motivation from my family and friends as well.

COLSA: Why did you choose your major?

Wilson: I started off hating the idea of being a veterinary technician. I originally started school in the animal behavior field, and then when I transferred to UNH, my mind began to change. About half way through, I realized I was actually good at the skills in this field, and decided to switch to veterinary technology. I couldn't be happier!

COLSA: Any advice for students interested in your major?

Wilson: Don't get discouraged. This major is a lot of work and that can lead you to question your abilities, but you will get there! Everybody makes mistakes, but what is important is your ability to learn from those mistakes, and make yourself a better student!

Also be sure to have time to enjoy yourself. Get involved in clubs and spend time with your friends!

COLSA: What are you planning to do after graduation?

Wilson: I am planning to take the Veterinary Technician National Exam! After I (hopefully) pass, I am looking for a job as a certified veterinary technician in the Dover area.

COLSA: How is your experience at UNH preparing you to achieve your goals?

Wilson: At the Thompson school, you really develop an understanding of what it will be like to be a practicing veterinary technician after you graduate. We work with pets and their owners at the school’s on campus PAWS clinic and the local animal shelters. Also, we complete two internships during our time at UNH. Having a head start with "real world" experience is extremely important. I know the steps I need to take to succeed.

COLSA: What do you love most about UNH?

Wilson: I absolutely love this campus! It is easy to navigate, and I love the close-knit community we have. Being a part of the student section during sporting events and experiencing the campus-wide events like U-day is a blast!

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