Aizhe Qian '25G

On the right path to make a meaningful impact
Aizhe smiling wearing glasses

Aizhe Qian is a graduate student earning her degree in the Master of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics program. She is from Beijing, China and loves UNH's master program for a number of reasons, from location to the quality of the program. 

COLSA: Why did you choose UNH?

Aizhe Qian: I chose UNH for the quality of the master's program, the geographic location, and the potential available resources. While doing my research, I thought the MSDI program at UNH was comprehensive and well-structured with interesting courses and exciting research opportunities. Also, I like how the program values promoting a sustainable food environment, which I think is crucial for future professionals in the field of nutrition/dietetics to be familiar with.

I’ve never been to NH before, so I was excited to explore different cultures and lifestyles. Also, UNH is close to Boston where a lot of resources are, so I would have the opportunity to explore the potential opportunities in Boston while keeping the cost of living manageable. Additionally, UNH is a state university that could offer different levels of connections, resources, and opportunities, which can be beneficial for professional development.

COLSA: How would you describe the in-person learning experience and its impact on the quality of your education?

Aizhe: The first year of the program mainly involves graduate courses, research, and teaching as a teaching assistant. My schedule was packed with different assignments and responsibilities, which was challenging yet rewarding. I found myself better at time management, public speaking, and professional communication. Also, I feel more prepared for my future career with what I learned from classes and different professional trainings.

COLSA: How have the teaching, training, and one-on-one mentoring by faculty benefited you?

Aizhe: Teaching as a teaching assistant was a great experience for me because I was able to practice different skills from making PowerPoints, public speaking, problem-solving, and team collaboration. I have gained transferable skills  that will help me in my future career.  The faculty in the program have been welcoming, caring, and supportive. I feel comfortable reaching out to them for questions and suggestions, which I do very often. The interactions I’ve had with the faculty has helped me both academically and professionally.

COLSA: How has your experience been customized based on your career goals?

Aizhe: I plan to become a registered dietitian, and all the courses and trainings were designed to prepare us to become competent entry-level professionals. Also, we were allowed to choose an elective course based on our interests for two semesters, which gave us the opportunity to explore different topics.

COLSA: What do you plan to do with your degree?

Aizhe: After graduation, I plan to acquire my registered dietitian credential. My goal is to support individuals or communities with their health goals through appropriate lifestyle modifications or nutrition therapies. I also aim to raise public awareness about the crucial role of proper nutrition in promoting health and preventing diseases. While, I am not sure how I will achieve that, I am hopeful that I'll find the right path to make a meaningful impact in the future.

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