Research Spotlight Intake Form (for follow-up send)

Please contact if you have questions or need help filling out this form. You can find examples of the Research Spotlights/Resource webpages here. See below for Research Spotlight/Resources webpage section examples:
Please indicate which of the following options best describes what type of research this Research Spotlight will highlight:
Select more than one if applicable.
Please provide the title used in the journal entry. If this is a working paper, please provide the title that you've designated. Example: Dominance of diffusive methane emissions from lowland headwater streams promotes oxidation and isotopic enrichment View research title example
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Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Please list the names of the authors involved in this research in the order that you'd prefer they be listed on the webpage. Please also include any contact information that the authors would like listed on the webpage. View coauthors example
Please list 2-3 key findings of the research to appear in a pullout box on the Research Spotlight/Resources webpage. Please try to use nontechnical language for this section. Example: 1. Different aquatic bodies play different roles in the release of methane gas. Wetlands, lakes, and reservoirs all play large roles in releasing methane directly into the atmosphere, primarily through a process known as ebullition, in which methane literally bubbles out of the wetland and enters the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse gas effect. Rivers and streams, however, were historically seen as pipelines for simply moving material between bodies of water. 2. Research by COLSA and NHAES scientists shows that small streams are sources of methane to the atmosphere and that nearly half of the methane within small streams actually oxidizes – the chemical process of combining with oxygen. The oxidization removes the gas out of the global methane cycle rather than it being emitted to the atmosphere. View key findings example
Please include an introductory paragraph (at least 2-3 sentences) that includes a mention of the question that this research answers. Please use nontechnical language for this section. Example: With 280 square miles of freshwater lakes and ponds and over 10,000 miles of rivers and streams in New Hampshire, water is critical to the health, economy and recreation of Granite Staters. However, with aquatic ecosystems annually releasing about half of the methane that enters the atmosphere, New Hampshire water may be playing a bigger role in the environment than previously thought. Recent research from COLSA and NHAES focuses on how bodies of water emit greenhouse gases and are incorporated into developing climate change models. View introductory text example
Please include 2-3 paragraphs that summarize the published research. Please try to use nontechnical language for this section – summarizing/paraphrasing language from published journals is fine. For new manuscripts, please put "n/a". Example: Paragraph 1: Rivers and streams weren’t historically viewed as important pieces of the global methane cycle, describes Andrew Robison '21G, a graduate of the Ph.D. program in Earth and Environmental Science at COLSA and a post-doctoral scientist in the aquatic biogeochemistry program at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. Robison and his co-authors measured the methane emissions and soil microbial communities within four streams in New Hampshire and Massachusetts.... Paragraph 2: From their samples, the researchers discovered that the streams were dynamic places of methane production and oxidation. However, the flow in streams appears to differentiate how methane cycles in streams compared to lakes and wetlands in that most of the methane that is emitted from streams is not through ebullition, but through diffusion. As a result, the chemical signature of the methane is slightly different. According to Robison, measuring these differences in streams is critical to analyzing their role within the global carbon and methane cycles.... View body text example
Please list any acknowledgement(s) that should be listed on the Research Spotlight/Research webpage. Example: This material is based on work supported by the NH Agricultural Experiment Station through joint funding from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (under Hatch awards number 1022476 and 1016134) and the state of New Hampshire. Additional funding for this project comes from the Plum Island Ecosystems LTER NSF Award OCE-1637630, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Interdisciplinary Science award NNX17AK10G, and the University of New Hampshire College of Life Sciences and Agriculture’s Paine Fund. View acknowledgement text example
Please upload 1-2 images that help illustrate the research, along with anyone who should receive credit for the images or content. Examples include photos of researchers in the field, charts/tables, etc.
Maximum 3 files.
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Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
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