Winsor Watson

Winsor Watson III

Office: Biological Sciences, Rudman Hall Rm 179, Durham, NH 03824

Research Expertise:<br>Neurobiology, behavior and physiology of marine animals (lobsters, nudibranches, fish and horseshoe crabs), biotelemetry, biological rhythms<br><br>Research Emphasis:<br>Overall, my goal is to try and understand the behavior of animals, both at the level of neurons and in terms of how the animals are influenced by their environment.


  • Ph.D., Zoology and Neurobiology, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • B.A., Biology, Wesleyan University

Research Interests

  • Marine Biology
  • Neurobiology

Selected Publications

  • Clark, A. S., Jury, S. H., Goldstein, J. S., Langley, T. G., & Watson III, W. H. (2018). Underwater video surveillance of American lobsters (Homarus americanus) to understand saturation levels in lobster traps. Fishery Bulletin, 116(2), 161-170. doi:10.7755/fb.116.2.5