Wilfred Wollheim
In understanding the environment as an integrated system, WSAG explores the physical, chemical and biological processes that shape hydrological systems, with emphasis on the unique role of humans as agents of change. Our research and educational programs cross the boundaries of traditional scientific disciplines to foster interdisciplinary understanding of environmental change. Through field monitoring, whole ecosystem experiments, novel in situ sensor deployments, and dynamic hydrological and ecosystem modeling, we attempt to understand hydrological and biogeochemical dynamics at scales ranging from individual ecosystems, to whole river systems, to the global systems of inland waters. Built on strong collaborations that are national and international in scope, our group also serves as a teaching platform for the next generation of ecosystem and earth system scientists.<br><br>The success of the Water Systems Analysis Group reflects a rapidly emerging scientific field which pursues integrative studies of hydrology, biogeochemistry, and human-water interactions that is necessary to analyze the full dimension of anthropogenic change at local, regional, and global scales.
Courses Taught
- NR 400: Professional Perspective NR
- NR 504: Freshwater Resources
- NR 707: Environmental Modeling
- NR 707/807: Environmental Modeling
- NR 751/851: Aquatic Ecosystems
- NR 807: Environmental Modeling
- NR 905: Grant Writing
Selected Publications
Regier, P., Son, K., Chen, X., Fang, Y., Jiang, P., Taylor, M., . . . Stegen, J. (2025). Allometric Scaling of Hyporheic Respiration Across Basins in the Pacific Northwest United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 130(3). doi:10.1029/2024jg008344
Johnson, K., Jankowski, K. J., Carey, J., Lyon, N. J., McDowell, W. H., Shogren, A., . . . Sullivan, P. L. (2024). Establishing fluvial silicon regimes and their stability across the Northern Hemisphere. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 9(3), 237-246. doi:10.1002/lol2.10372
Robison, A. L., Koenig, L. E., Potter, J. D., Snyder, L. E., Hunt, C. W., McDowell, W. H., & Wollheim, W. M. (2024). Lotic‐SIPCO2: Adaptation of an open‐source CO2 sensor system and examination of associated emission uncertainties across a range of stream sizes and land uses. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 22(4), 191-207. doi:10.1002/lom3.10600
Zuidema, S., Wollheim, W. M., Kucharik, C. J., & Lammers, R. B. (2024). Existing wetland conservation programs miss nutrient reduction targets.. PNAS Nexus, 3(4), pgae129. doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae129
Whitney, C. T., Wollheim, W. M., Gold, A. J., & Buonpane, J. M. (2023). Small Reservoirs as Nitrogen Transformers: Accounting for Seasonal Variability in Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen Processing. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128(11). doi:10.1029/2023jg007635
Deegan, L. A., Johnson, D. S., Warren, R. S., Peterson, B. J., Fleeger, J. W., Fagherazzi, S., & Wollheim, W. M. (2012). Coastal eutrophication as a driver of salt marsh loss. NATURE, 490(7420), 388-+. doi:10.1038/nature11533
Beaulieu, J. J., Tank, J. L., Hamilton, S. K., Wollheim, W. M., Jr, H. R. O., Mulholland, P. J., . . . Thomas, S. M. (2011). Nitrous oxide emission from denitrification in stream and river networks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 108(1), 214-219. doi:10.1073/pnas.1011464108
Harrison, J. A., Maranger, R. J., Alexander, R. B., Giblin, A. E., Jacinthe, P. -A., Mayorga, E., . . . Wollheim, W. M. (2009). The regional and global significance of nitrogen removal in lakes and reservoirs. BIOGEOCHEMISTRY, 93(1-2), 143-157. doi:10.1007/s10533-008-9272-x
Pellerin, B. A., Wollheim, W. M., Feng, X., & Vorosmarty, C. J. (2008). The application of electrical conductivity as a tracer for hydrograph separation in urban catchments. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 22(12), 1810-1818. doi:10.1002/hyp.6786
Peterson, B. J., Wollheim, W. M., Mulholland, P. J., Webster, J. R., Meyer, J. L., Tank, J. L., . . . Morrall, D. D. (2001). Control of nitrogen export from watersheds by headwater streams. SCIENCE, 292(5514), 86-90. doi:10.1126/science.1056874