Michael Simmons
My teaching goal is to help students develop technical and critical thinking skills that are applicable to a career in sustainable forest management. My teaching areas include forest ecology, natural resources field methods, forest health, silviculture, timber harvesting, forest products, and forest management.
I am also a PhD Candidate in Earth and Environmental Science in the UNH NRESS program. My doctoral research investigates the insects, pathogens, and site factors associated with widespread red pine decline throughout New England.
Courses Taught
- FORT 470: Applied Silviculture
- FORT 573: Management Operation&Analysis
- FORT 574: Industrl Forest Managemnt Tour
- FORT 576: Forest Products and Wood Sci.
- FORT 577: Forest Harvesting Systems
- FORT 578: Ecol & Manage Forest Stressors
- FORT 592: Studies in Forest Technology
- FORT 597: Work Experience
- FORT/NR 527: Forest Ecology
- NR 415: Nat Res Field Methods
- NR 425: Field Dendrology
- NR 527: Forest Ecology
- NR 745/845: Forest Management
- NR 749/849: Forest Inventory and Modeling
Selected Publications
Aragonés, A., Manzanos, T., Stanosz, G., Munck, I. A., Raposo, R., Elvira-Recuenco, M., . . . Iturritxa, E. (n.d.). Comparison of Diplodia Tip Blight Pathogens in Spanish and North American Pine Ecosystems. Microorganisms, 9(12), 2565. doi:10.3390/microorganisms9122565
Bibaud, H. A., Ducey, M. J., Simmons, M. J., McCarthy, H. C., Bibaud, R. N., & Lee, T. D. (2020). Factors limiting the success of invasive glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus) in New Hampshire' s eastern white pine - hardwood forests. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 474. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118345
Simmons, M. J., Lee, T. D., Ducey, M. J., & Dodds, K. J. (2014). Invasion of Winter Moth in New England: Effects of Defoliation and Site Quality on Tree Mortality. FORESTS, 5(10), 2440-2463. doi:10.3390/f5102440
Simmons, M. J., Lee, T. D., Ducey, M. J., Elkinton, J. S., Boettner, G. H., & Dodds, K. J. (2014). Effects of invasive winter moth defoliation on tree radial growth in Eastern Massachusetts, USA. Insects, 5(2), 301-318. doi:10.3390/insects5020301