Courses Taught
- NR 437: Principles of Sustainability
- NR 600: Work Experience
- NR 753: Sustainability as Abundance
- NR 754: Sense of Place
- NR 784: Sustainable Living
- NR 785: Systems Thinking
- NR 786: Sustainability Leadership
- SUST 401: Surveying Sustainability
Selected Publications
Axelrod, M., Vona, M., Colwell, J. N., Fakoya, K., Salim, S. S., Webster, D. G., & de la Torre-Castro, M. (2022). Understanding gender intersectionality for more robust ocean science. EARTH SYSTEM GOVERNANCE, 13. doi:10.1016/j.esg.2022.100148
Colwell, J. M. N., Axelrod, M., & Roth, B. (2019). Unintended consequences of a seasonal ban on fishing effort in Tamil Nadu & Puducherry, India. Fisheries Research, 212, 72-80. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2018.12.003
Colwell, J. M. N., Axelrod, M., Salim, S. S., & Velvizhi, S. (2017). A Gendered Analysis of Fisherfolk’s Livelihood Adaptation and Coping Responses in the Face of a Seasonal Fishing Ban in Tamil Nadu & Puducherry, India. World Development, 98, 325-337. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.04.033
Colwell, J. M. N., & Axelrod, M. (2017). Socio-economic impacts of a closed fishing season on resource-dependent stakeholders in Tamil Nadu, India: Differences in income and expenditure effects by occupational group. Marine Policy, 77, 182-190. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.10.026
Novak, J. M., & Axelrod, M. (2016). Patterns of Multi‐Level Fisheries Governance and Their Impact on Fishermen's Adaptation Strategies in Tamil Nadu, India. Environmental Policy and Governance, 26(1), 45-58. doi:10.1002/eet.1694