Chris Hernandez
Assistant Professor of Plant Breeding
The UNH cucurbit breeding program conducts breeding efforts primarily in squash, pumpkins, and melons. The research program seeks to understand the genetics of important stakeholder traits such as marketable yield, disease resistance, nutritional quality, and appearance. In order to meet breeding and research objectives, we employ traditional breeding and genetics methods alongside modern statistical, computation, and genomics tools. Plant breeding is a broad, interdisciplinary endeavor. <a href="https://unhcucurbits.org/">https://unhcucurbits.org/</a>
Courses Taught
- ANFS 999: Doctoral Research
- ANSC 750: Collaborative Farm Design &Dev
- GEN 772: Evolutionary Genetic of Plants
- GEN 772/872: Evolutionary Genetic of Plants
- GEN 872: Evolutionary Genetic of Plants
- INCO 590: Student Research Experience
- INCO 790: Advanced Research Experience