Postdoc, University of California, Santa Barbara (2022)
Ph.D., Oregon State University (2020)
M.S., Northeastern University (2014)
B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology (2011)
Co-Founder of Atomic Hands (<a href=""></a>)
- A non-profit organization that aims to foster curiosity in STEM through American Sign Language-centric resources, empower our signing community to develop and deliver engaging STEM topics, and encourage networking among deaf STEMists.
Courses Taught
- ASL 435: American Sign Language I Lab
- ASL 532: American Sign Language IV Lab
Selected Publications
Spiecker, B. J., & Menge, B. A. (2022). Coastal upwelling may strengthen the controls of herbivory and light over the population dynamics of Hedophyllum sessile in the Oregon rocky intertidal. Ecology and Evolution, 12(8). doi:10.1002/ece3.9218
Spiecker, B. J., & Menge, B. A. (2022). El Niño and marine heatwaves: Ecological impacts on Oregon rocky intertidal kelp communities at local to regional scales. Ecological Monographs, 92(2). doi:10.1002/ecm.1504
Kurz, C., Reis, J., & Spiecker, B. (2020). Ideologies and attitudes toward American Sign Language: Processes of academic language and academic cocabulary coinage. In Sign Language Ideologies in Practice (pp. 287-308). De Gruyter Mouton.
Grorud-Colvert, K., Constant, V., Sullivan-Stack, J., Dziedzic, K., Hamilton, S. L., Randell, Z., . . . Lubchenco, J. (2019). High-profile international commitments for ocean protection: Empty promises or meaningful progress?. Marine Policy, 105, 52-66. doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.04.003
Sweet, H. C., Doolin, M. C., Yanowiak, C. N., Coots, A. D., Freyn, A. W., Armstrong, J. M., & Spiecker, B. J. (2019). Abbreviated Development of the Brooding Brittle StarOphioplocus esmarki. The Biological Bulletin, 236(2), 75-87. doi:10.1086/701916
Spiecker, B., Gouhier, T. C., & Guichard, F. (2016). Reciprocal feedbacks between spatial subsidies and reserve networks in coral reef meta‐ecosystems. Ecological Applications, 26(1), 264-278. doi:10.1890/15-0478
Lambert, J. D., Chan, X. Y., Spiecker, B., & Sweet, H. C. (2010). Characterizing the Embryonic Transcriptome of the Snail Ilyanassa. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50(5), 768-777. doi:10.1093/icb/icq121