Analena Bruce
She is a sociologist with a research program on the development of sustainable livelihood strategies for New England farmers and Values-Based Food Supply Chains designed to increase equity, transparency, and resilience in the food system. Her previous research is focused on farmers’ participation in initiatives designed to increase the social and environmental sustainability of agriculture, including Alternative Food Networks, organic certification, the EQIP Seasonal High Tunnel Initiative, and other conservation programs. She also has a line of research on public engagement with regulatory policy that governs science and technology in the food system.
Courses Taught
- ANFS 999: Doctoral Research
- NUTR 405: Food and Society
- NUTR 730/830: Seed to Sea/Sustainable Food
- NUTR 830: Seed to Sea/Sustainable Food
- SAFS 620: Food Systems
Research Interests
- Environmental sociology
- Sociology of Science
- Sustainable Agriculture
Selected Publications
Glenna, L., & Bruce, A. (2021). Suborning science for profit: Monsanto, glyphosate, and private science research misconduct. RESEARCH POLICY, 50(7). doi:10.1016/j.respol.2021.104290
Valliant, J. C. D., Bruce, A. B., Houser, M., Dickinson, S. L., & Farmer, J. R. (2021). Product Diversification, Adaptive Management, and Climate Change: Farming and Family in the U.S. Corn Belt. Frontiers in Climate, 3. doi:10.3389/fclim.2021.662847
Yoder, L., Houser, M., Bruce, A., Sullivan, A., & Farmer, J. (2021). Are climate risks encouraging cover crop adoption among farmers in the southern Wabash River Basin?. LAND USE POLICY, 102. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.105268
Bruce, A. B. (2019). Farm entry and persistence: Three pathways into alternative agriculture in southern Ohio. Journal of Rural Studies, 69, 30-40. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2019.04.007
Bruce, A. B., Maynard, E. T., & Farmer, J. R. (2019). Farmers’ Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Using High Tunnels for Specialty Crops. HortTechnology, 29(3), 290-299. doi:10.21273/horttech04258-18
Bruce, A. B. (2017). Frankenfish or Fish to Feed the World? Scientism and Biotechnology Regulatory Policy. Rural Sociology, 82(4), 628-663. doi:10.1111/ruso.12146
Valliant, J. C. D., Farmer, J. R., Dickinson, S. L., Bruce, A. B., & Robinson, J. M. (2017). Family as a catalyst in farms' diversifying agricultural products: A mixed methods analysis of diversified and non-diversified farms in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio. Journal of Rural Studies, 55, 303-315. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.08.017
Bruce, A. B., & Castellano, R. L. S. (2017). Labor and alternative food networks: challenges for farmers and consumers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 32(5), 403-416. doi:10.1017/s174217051600034x