Why Major in Forestry?

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Why Major in Forestry?

Are you passionate about nature, conservation, and the great outdoors? If so, a major in forestry could be your gateway to an exciting career dedicated to preserving forests, protecting wildlife, and promoting sustainable land management. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of forestry at the University of New Hampshire's College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (UNH COLSA). Let's explore the top five career paths that await aspiring forestry majors.

Top Five Careers for Forestry Majors


As a Forester, you'll be the guardian of our forests. Your role involves assessing forest health, planning timber harvests, and implementing conservation strategies. Whether you work for government agencies, private forestry companies, or as a consultant, your mission is to ensure forests thrive while meeting ecological and economic goals.

Environmental Consultant

Environmental consultants with expertise in Forestry advise clients on managing land with minimal environmental impact. They evaluate ecological systems, recommend conservation measures, and ensure compliance with environmental regulations. This career is essential for striking a balance between land development and conservation.

Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife biologists with expertise in forestry are nature's detectives. They study the intricate relationship between forest ecosystems and wildlife. By monitoring wildlife populations, assessing habitat quality, and developing conservation strategies, you'll play a pivotal role in maintaining diverse ecosystems.

Forest Ranger

Forest rangers are the protectors of forests and natural resources. They enforce regulations, prevent wildfires, and educate the public about responsible forest usage. This career ensures the preservation of forests for generations to come while keeping visitors safe.

Urban Forester

More specialized than rural foresters, urban foresters are city's green heroes. They manage trees and green spaces within urban environments. By planning and maintaining urban forests, they promote cleaner air, reduced heat islands, and a higher quality of life in cities. Urban foresters bridge the gap between nature and the concrete jungle.

Majoring in forestry at UNH COLSA opens the door to a world of fulfilling career opportunities in conservation, land management, and environmental protection. Whether you envision yourself as a guardian of forests, a consultant shaping sustainable landscapes, or a protector of urban greenery, forestry offers a path to a rewarding future. Embark on this journey, and let your passion for nature and the environment guide you toward a career that makes a positive impact on our planet.

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