Why Major in Biology

Why Major in Biology?


Choosing the right major is a significant decision that can shape both your academic journey in college and your future career beyond. If you're deciding whether a bachelor's degree in biology is right for you, the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (UNH COLSA) is here to help. Here are some factors to consider when making this decision.

How To Know a Degree in Biology Is Right for You

Passion for the Natural World

If you have an innate curiosity about the intricacies of life, a fascination with ecosystems from the micro to macroscopic, and a deep love for all living organisms, biology could be your calling. Spend some time reflecting on which subfield of biology excites you the most. There's a whole world to choose from!

Scientific Inquiry

Biology is all about asking questions and seeking answers through scientific methods. If you enjoy putting new ideas to the test, analyzing data to solve problems, and asking questions to discover the unknown, biology offers endless opportunities for exploration.

Diverse Career Paths

A biology degree opens doors to various career options, from research and healthcare to environmental conservation and education. Consider the diverse paths that biology can lead you down. Does a career in health biotechnology sound fascinating, or is wildlife conservation your passion? Learn about the realities of the career you're envisioning as you commit to studying biology.

Hands-On Learning

High-quality biology programs emphasize hands-on experience in labs and fieldwork. If you thrive in practical settings, working with organisms and conducting experiments can be an enriching part of your education.

Critical Thinking Skills

Biology encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. You'll learn to evaluate evidence, make informed decisions, and apply your knowledge to complex biological issues. If logic and analysis are your strengths, then biology can be a good fit.

Human Health Impact

Biology is an excellent foundation for traditional medical or healthcare careers. If you aspire to be a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional, a biology degree is a common starting point. Consider if a curriculum of anatomy, physiology, microbiology, and genetics sparks your interest and sets you up for a future career in helping humans stay healthy.

Ecological Conservation

If you're passionate about preserving the environment, a biology major equips you with the knowledge and tools to address pressing ecological challenges and contribute to conservation efforts.

Long-Term Interest

Reflect on whether your interest in biology is a short-term fascination or a long-term passion. A bachelor's degree is a significant investment of time and resources, so it's important to choose a field you'll be committed to for the long haul.

bachelor's degree in biology at UNH COLSA is an excellent choice for those who are genuinely passionate about the natural world, enjoy scientific inquiry, and have a keen interest in understanding life's complexities. If you thrive in hands-on learning environments, possess critical thinking skills, and envision a career in research, healthcare, or environmental conservation, biology might be the perfect fit for you.

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