As an undergraduate major, environmental sustainability is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to address pressing environmental issues. It takes a multidisciplinary approach, combining elements from natural sciences, economics, and social sciences to provide a comprehensive understanding of sustainable practices. Whether your interest lies in conservation biology, urban planning, or environmental policy, this major offers a versatile framework to understand the complexities of human-environment interactions.

The core of environmental sustainability education revolves around understanding ecological systems, the impact of human activity on these systems, and the strategies needed to reduce negative consequences. You'll learn how sustainability principles can be applied in various sectors including energy, agriculture, water management, and construction, to name a few. By focusing on the environment's intrinsic value as well as its importance to societal well-being, the curriculum aims to foster a commitment to stewardship and responsible resource management.

Through your studies, you're expected to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are vital in creating sustainable solutions for real-world environmental challenges. Fieldwork, case studies, and internships integrate academic learning with practical experience, preparing you to take an active role in shaping a more sustainable future. Committing to an environmental sustainability major is more than just an educational choice; it is a step towards becoming an informed and engaged global citizen with the tools to make a tangible difference.

Program Overview

The Environmental Sustainability major at the University of New Hampshire, offered by the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA), equips you with an in-depth understanding of environmental conservation and sustainability practices.

Major Requirements

In order to attain the Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Conservation and Sustainability, you must complete a total of 14 core requirements. These courses provide a comprehensive foundation in environmental principles and integrative approaches vital for sustainability studies. For a detailed plan, review the Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Major (B.S.) Degree Plan.

Core Curriculum

The core curriculum is designed to give you a strong interdisciplinary knowledge base in environmental and sustainability studies. Some of the core courses that you will undertake include:

  • Ecology
  • Economics of Sustainability
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Natural Resources Management

These required courses ensure a robust comprehension of the various dimensions of environmental sustainability.


To further tailor your educational experience, you will select from a range of electives that allow you to dive deeper into specific areas of interest within the field of environmental sustainability. Electives vary from practical, hands-on experiences to theoretical studies on topics such as:

  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Biodiversity
  • Sustainable Agriculture
  • Renewable Energy Systems

These electives complement the core courses, providing a well-rounded academic experience in environmental conservation.

Sustainability Disciplines

An undergraduate major in environmental sustainability encompasses various disciplines, ensuring you acquire a holistic understanding of how systemic change can be achieved. Here, you will explore key areas ranging from scientific principles to governance frameworks that play a crucial role in sustainability efforts.

Environmental Science

Environmental Science serves as the fundamental backbone of sustainability studies. Here, you engage with key concepts including biodiversity, climate change, and pollution. Your courses will cover:

  • Scientific methods for assessing environmental health
  • The role of human activities in environmental degradation

Ecology and Ecosystems

Under Ecology and Ecosystems, you will dive into the intricate relationships that define natural habitats. This subsection focuses on:

  • Biological interactions within ecosystems
  • Conservation strategies to preserve natural resources

Economics and Policy

Economics and Policy examines how economic activities intersect with environmental initiatives. You’ll learn about:

  • Sustainable economic development
  • The impact of environmental policies on market behaviors

Law and Governance

Finally, in Law and Governance, you will explore the legal structures that underpin environmental regulation. This involves understanding:

  • Legislation related to environmental protection
  • The role of governance in implementing sustainability measures

Applied Learning

Applied learning experiences in an environmental sustainability major allow you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. These opportunities enhance your practical skills, preparing you for a career in sustainability.

Internships and Fieldwork

Participating in internships provides hands-on experience that can be critical for your future career. Companies and organizations offer positions where you engage with sustainability projects, policy formation, and environmental management practices.

  • Examples of Internship Roles:
    • Environmental Policy Analyst
    • Conservation Project Assistant
    • Sustainable Development Coordinator

Fieldwork often involves data collection and analysis in natural settings, which helps you understand the practical challenges of environmental conservation.

Independent Study and Research

Engagement in independent study allows you to dive deep into a specific area of interest within sustainability. You may work one-on-one with faculty or as part of a research team.

  • Research Opportunities:
    • Assessing Renewable Energy Impacts
    • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
    • Sustainable Urban Planning

Your research can contribute to academic knowledge or be directed towards solving real-world environmental issues.

Study Abroad Programs

Study abroad programs provide a global context to your education, exposing you to different cultures and environmental challenges.

  • Popular Destinations:
    • Costa Rica: Tropical Ecology and Conservation
    • Denmark: Renewable Energy Systems
    • Australia: Marine Biology and Reef Conservation

Through these programs, you can participate in internships and research projects, gaining international perspectives on sustainability.

Cross-Disciplinary Integration

In the pursuit of an Environmental Sustainability undergraduate major, you'll discover the vital connections between varied disciplines that are essential to effectively address environmental challenges. Each subsection below provides insight into these synergistic relationships.

Environment and Business

Your understanding of Environment and Business will revolve around the integration of ecological considerations into business practices. Companies are increasingly adopting sustainable frameworks that include:

  • Reducing carbon footprints
  • Minimizing waste through the supply chain
  • Implementing circular economy models

By studying environmental guidelines and corporate social responsibility, you are equipped to lead businesses in the direction of sustainable growth and profitability without compromising ecological integrity.

Technology and Sustainable Solutions

In the context of Technology and Sustainable Solutions, you will learn how technological innovations can foster environmental sustainability. Key subjects include:

  • Renewable energy technologies (solar, wind, geothermal)
  • Water purification systems ensuring clean supply
  • Smart systems for energy and resource management

Information and communication technologies are pivotal in monitoring environmental data, which aids in developing informed and strategic responses to ecological issues.

Social Equity and Environmental Justice

Exploring Social Equity and Environmental Justice involves examining the fair distribution of environmental benefits and the burdens across all societies. Your focus includes:

  • Policies that protect vulnerable communities from disproportionate environmental impacts
  • Empowerment through equitable access to natural resources
  • Advocacy for legal frameworks that support marginalized populations in environmental decision-making processes

Understanding these dimensions positions you to become an influencer for change, ensuring that environmental policies uphold the principles of justice and equality for all community members.

Communication and Outreach

In the field of Environmental Sustainability, effective communication and outreach are paramount to fostering understanding and driving policy change. Your expertise in these areas will inform and influence the public and policymakers alike.

Environmental Communication

Environmental Communication is crucial for raising awareness and educating the community about sustainability issues. You learn to craft compelling messages using various media platforms to effectively reach different audiences.

  • Strategies: Develop clear messaging tailored to your audience, using storytelling and data visualization to convey complex information.
  • Tools: Utilize social media, blogs, podcasts, and videos to disseminate your message broadly and engage with the public.

Public Policy and Advocacy

Public policy and advocacy are where you can directly influence environmental legislation and regulations. Your education equips you to:

Analyze policies: Appraise existing policies for their effectiveness and sustainability. You study case laws and legal frameworks to understand how environmental laws are shaped.

  • Example: You analyze the Clean Air Act to understand its impact on reducing air pollution.

Advocacy: Learn to lobby decision-makers and craft policy proposals. Your actions and recommendations can lead to tangible environmental improvements.

  • Method: Write policy briefs or position papers that outline your stance on environmental issues and suggest actionable changes.

By mastering these aspects of communication and outreach, you play a pivotal role in the advancement of environmental sustainability goals.

Career Pathways

In pursuing an undergraduate major in environmental sustainability, your academic journey equips you with the skills and knowledge to explore diverse career avenues and consider further education that can enhance your qualifications and expertise.

Career Opportunities

Your degree opens doors to various career opportunities. You can secure positions in both the public and private sectors. Here's a quick glance at what might await you:

Sector Roles
Government Policy Analyst, Environmental Planner
Non-profits Conservation Coordinator, Sustainability Educator
Business Corporate Sustainability Officer, Environmental Consultant
Education and Research Research Assistant, Outreach Specialist

If you're leaning towards entrepreneurship, your background in sustainability gives you the foundation to launch startups focused on sustainable products or services. Your understanding of environmental systems and corporate responsibility can be instrumental in driving innovation in the green economy.

Graduate Studies and Professional Degrees

For those aspiring to advanced research or specialized professional roles, graduate studies can be a significant next step. Here are some paths you could consider:

  • Masters degree in Environmental Science, Sustainable Development, or related fields.
  • Professional degrees such as a law degree with a focus on environmental law can position you uniquely, making you valuable to law firms, government agencies, and companies with environmental compliance needs.

Certain departments within universities provide tailored graduate programs that build on your undergraduate sustainability major, preparing you for more focused careers or academic research.

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