With many users at each of our farm/field facilities, it is critical to ensure that we have knowledge of all ongoing and desired activities in order to ensure compatibility, and to coordinate resources required to provide support and facilitation as needed. Importantly, we have responsibility for compliance with federal, state, university and local regulations, and to ensure safety for our staff, students, faculty, and visitors.
To request the use of the Kingman Research Farm facilities, please complete the Kingman Research Farm facilities use request form.
In the form, you will be asked to provide information about the proposed project well in advance, so that we can evaluate our abilities to accommodate your requested use of facilities and resources. The pertinent required information (which is encouraged to be collected and organized in advance) includes the desired use of the facility or facilities, amount of land, greenhouse bench space, or other needs for the activity; approximate timeline of the proposed project; required treatments, preparation, applications or modifications to the space, and intended measurements or sampling; and the types of staff support that will required.
The completed form will be submitted to the farm manager, Evan Ford, and the NHAES director, Anton Bekkerman, for review and approval based on availability resources, potential impacts on existing and planned activities, budgetary ramifications, and related management considerations. Additional considerations will be given to potential implications on organic certification (i.e., several farm facilities, forage fields, etc.). This may require interaction with State of NH organic certification personnel.
The NHAES Directors office will notify the requestor of a decision along with any qualifications, stipulations and/or requirements. You may be asked to visit with the Facility Manager(s) and/or the NHAES Director’s Office to clarify intended activities and requirements so that we may better serve your needs.
Lastly, please be aware that full adherence to all relevant regulations, institutional approvals and compliance requirements (for example, http://www.unh.edu/research/compliance-safety) is the responsibility of the individual facility user. Supporting documentation must be provided before any use is permitted.
For questions, please contact Evan Ford, 603-868-2345.

Smooth Operator, one of Brent Loy's summer squashes.
Credit: High Mowing Organic Seeds
The 360-acre NH Agricultural Experiment Station's Kingman Research Farm is located in Madbury, about two miles from the Durham campus. Its primary function is as a research facility, with current projects including research on horticultural and agronomic crops, wildlife management, and a part of the Great Bay oyster renovation effort. The farm also has been the site for the late J. Brent Loy's extensive cucurbit breeding program, the longest-running such program in North America. Part of the farm contributes forages for the dairy and equine programs.
A large portion of this farm is forested, and it is used extensively by the community for hiking, mountain biking and other recreational activities. UNH Cooperative Extension uses the Farm for demonstration and to extend new information to growers and the public as quickly as possible.
Directions: Kingman Research Farm is located on Knox Marsh Road (Rt. 155), across from the Madbury Police and Fire Department, 3.1 miles from the Durham campus.
333 Knox Marsh Rd.
Madbury, NH 03823
United States
With many users at each of our farm/field facilities, it is critical to ensure that we have knowledge of all ongoing and desired activities in order to ensure compatibility, and to coordinate resources required to provide support and facilitation as needed. Importantly, we have responsibility for compliance with federal, state, university and local regulations, and to ensure safety for our staff, students, faculty, and visitors.
To request the use of the Kingman Research Farm facilities, please complete the Kingman Research Farm facilities use request form.
In the form, you will be asked to provide information about the proposed project well in advance, so that we can evaluate our abilities to accommodate your requested use of facilities and resources. The pertinent required information (which is encouraged to be collected and organized in advance) includes the desired use of the facility or facilities, amount of land, greenhouse bench space, or other needs for the activity; approximate timeline of the proposed project; required treatments, preparation, applications or modifications to the space, and intended measurements or sampling; and the types of staff support that will required.
The completed form will be submitted to the farm manager, Evan Ford, and the NHAES director, Anton Bekkerman, for review and approval based on availability resources, potential impacts on existing and planned activities, budgetary ramifications, and related management considerations. Additional considerations will be given to potential implications on organic certification (i.e., several farm facilities, forage fields, etc.). This may require interaction with State of NH organic certification personnel.
The NHAES Directors office will notify the requestor of a decision along with any qualifications, stipulations and/or requirements. You may be asked to visit with the Facility Manager(s) and/or the NHAES Director’s Office to clarify intended activities and requirements so that we may better serve your needs.
Lastly, please be aware that full adherence to all relevant regulations, institutional approvals and compliance requirements (for example, https://www.unh.edu/research/research/compliance-safety) is the responsibility of the individual facility user. Supporting documentation must be provided before any use is permitted.
For questions, please contact Evan Ford, 603-868-2345.