COLSA Community of Teaching and Research Scholars Award

You are invited to nominate a tenured or tenure-track COLSA assistant, associate or full professor who has demonstrated excellence in teaching a foundational or upper-level major elective course in one or more of the following disciplines: molecular and cellular life sciences, marine biology, or biomedical sciences. Demonstration of teaching excellence includes student evaluations of teaching effectiveness, peer evaluations by other faculty and letters of support from faculty who have observed and co-taught courses with the awardee.

The awardee must also have a history of mentoring undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral students in laboratory research and have a history of creating an environment in which advanced undergraduate students, graduate students or post-doctoral students in the awardee’s laboratory share their knowledge and skills with one another.

Nominations for this award will be solicited annually and may be accepted from faculty, staff or students. Self-nominations will not be accepted for consideration.

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