How to Become a Zoologist

Why Choose a Zoology Major?

Choosing the right major is a pivotal step towards a fulfilling career. If you're considering a zoology degree at UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (COLSA), you're on the right track to explore the wonders of the animal kingdom and prepare yourself for a fulfilling zoology job. In this blog post, we'll help you evaluate if this dynamic field aligns with your interests and aspirations.

How To Know a Zoology Degree Is Right for You

Passion for Wildlife and Conservation

Zoology is dedicated to the study of animal habits, development, behaviors and relationships, especially with the rapidly changing modern world. If you're captivated by the diversity of life on Earth and have a deep interest in wildlife conservation, a zoology degree provides the foundation to understand and protect our planet's fauna.

Curiosity about Animal Behavior

Zoology delves into the fascinating world of animal behavior, from social structures to migration patterns. UNH's proximity to ocean, lake and mountain habitats make it the perfect location for animal behavior research. If you find joy in uncovering the secrets of animal life, zoology could be a perfect fit.

Hands-On Fieldwork and Research

The zoology program at UNH COLSA emphasizes hands-on learning through fieldwork and research projects. You'll have the opportunity to engage with wildlife in their natural habitats and contribute to scientific discoveries. Our diverse faculty specialize in numerous fields, including freshwater, estuarine, and marine biology, aquaculture, physiology, neurobiology, and behavior. Students have the opportunity to engage in research across various cutting-edge facilities, including the Anadromous Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate Research Laboratory, the Aquaculture Research Center, the Chase Ocean Engineering LaboratoryJackson Estuarine Laboratory, the Judd Gregg Marine Research Complex, and the Shoals Marine Laboratory.

Preparation for Diverse Careers

A zoology degree opens doors to a wide range of career paths, including wildlife biologist, conservationist, zookeeper, researcher, biotechnology, wildlife rehabilitation, and more. In the UNH zoology major, students begin with a set of foundational biology courses. From there, they have the opportunity to focus on specialized disciplines like marine and freshwater biology, cell and developmental biology, ecology, evolution, or neurobiology. The diverse and comprehensive curriculum makes our zoology degree an ideal choice for those seeking fulfilling biology careers.

Opportunities for Further Study

A zoology degree is an excellent foundation for advanced studies in biology, ecology, or related fields such as marine, large animal, or wildlife veterinarians. If you're considering veterinary or graduate school, this major provides a solid platform for further academic pursuits.

A zoology degree at UNH COLSA offers a rich and immersive exploration of the animal kingdom. If you're driven by a passion for wildlife, conservation, and understanding animal behavior, this major is an excellent choice. Embark on a journey of discovery and make a positive impact on the natural world with a zoology degree. Your path to a fulfilling career in the field of animal biology starts here.

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