Why Major in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

Why Major in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems?

Choosing the right major is a pivotal decision that shapes your academic journey and future career. If you're considering a degree in sustainable agriculture and food systems, you're on the path to a dynamic and impactful field. In this blog post, we'll help you assess if this program aligns with your interests and goals.

How To Know a Degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Is Right for You

Passion for Sustainability

Sustainable agriculture and food systems aim to fulfill society's food and fiber requirements while safeguarding clean air, water, and thriving ecosystems for generations to come. If you're passionate about environmentally-friendly farming practices, food security, and sustainable agriculture, a degree in sustainable agriculture and food systems at UNH COLSA is a perfect fit.

Desire to Impact Food Systems

Our B.S. degree program is perfect for students seeking comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in modern agricultural and food systems, alongside a solid grounding in the biological sciences.If you're motivated to contribute to a more resilient and equitable food system, this major equips you with the knowledge and skills to address global challenges like food insecurity and environmental sustainability.

Advocacy for Environmental Stewardship

If you're committed to environmental conservation and want to play a role in preserving natural resources while producing food sustainably, this program aligns with your values.

Hands-On Learning and Fieldwork

This program emphasizes hands-on experience through fieldwork, exposing you to the practical aspects of sustainable agriculture. The majority of students work with faculty research at our two working dairy farms, horticulture and agronomy farms, greenhouses, and the UNH brewing science laboratory. From crop management to livestock care, you'll gain valuable, real-world skills.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Sustainable agriculture and food systems is an interdisciplinary field that integrates biology, environmental science, economics, and social sciences. If you're excited about a holistic approach to food production, this major offers it.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

If you're interested in agricultural entrepreneurship, the program offers courses that cover farm business planning, marketing, and agricultural policy, preparing you for a range of roles in the industry.

Preparation for a Diverse Range of Careers

A degree in sustainable agriculture and food systems opens doors to careers in farming, agricultural education, advocacy, policy-making, and more. It also serves as a solid foundation for further studies or graduate programs in related fields.

bachelor's degree in sustainable agriculture and food systems offers an exciting path for those passionate about sustainable food production and environmental stewardship. If you're committed to transforming the food system and want to make a positive impact on our planet, this major could be the perfect fit for you. Explore the world of sustainable agriculture and food systems at UNH COLSA, and embark on a journey to create a more sustainable and equitable future for food production. Your path to a fulfilling and impactful career starts here.