Why Major in Environmental Science

Why Major in Environmental Science?

Are you passionate about the environment and want to make a positive impact on our planet? Pursuing a major in Environmental Science can open doors to a wide range of exciting career opportunities. In this blog post, we'll delve into the diverse jobs that await graduates with an Environmental Science major from the University of New Hampshire's College of Life Sciences and Agriculture (UNH COLSA). Let's explore the possibilities!

High-Paying, In-Demand Careers With a Degree in Environmental Science

Environmental Scientist

Though this option may be obvious, environmental scientists are an in-demand job in our modern world. As an environmental scientist, you'll play a key role in assessing and managing environmental issues. From conducting fieldwork and collecting data to analyzing samples and developing solutions, your work will contribute to the conservation and protection of our natural resources. With a degree from UNH COLSA, you'll gain a solid foundation in environmental science principles and hands-on experience that prepares you for this critical role.

Environmental Consultant

As an environmental consultant, you'll provide expertise and guidance to organizations and businesses on environmental compliance and sustainability. From conducting environmental assessments to developing environmental management plans, you'll play a crucial role in helping organizations reduce their ecological footprint. UNH COLSA's interdisciplinary approach prepares you with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate complex environmental challenges and offer sustainable solutions.

Natural Resource Manager

Natural resource managers oversee the sustainable use and conservation of our natural resources. You'll work to balance economic and environmental factors, ensuring the responsible management of forests, wetlands, parks, and other natural areas. UNH COLSA's curriculum emphasizes resource management principles and provides opportunities for hands-on experience, preparing you to tackle the complex challenges faced by natural resource managers.

Renewable Energy Analyst

As a renewable energy analyst, you can play a crucial role in evaluating and optimizing renewable energy projects, such as solar or wind farms, to maximize their efficiency and impact. This career offers the opportunity to work in a rapidly growing industry, tackle climate change, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.

Environmental Educator

If you have a passion for both the environment and education, a career as an Environmental Educator may be the perfect fit. As an educator, you'll inspire and educate others about environmental issues, conservation practices, and sustainability. UNH COLSA offers opportunities for engagement with local communities, providing you with the necessary skills and experiences to become an effective advocate for environmental awareness and change.

Environmental Engineer

Though this job requires additional coursework in engineering, majoring in environmental science can prepare you for a rewarding career in environmental engineering. As an environmental engineer, you can address pressing environmental challenges, such as water and air pollution, waste management, and sustainable infrastructure development. This career offers the opportunity to combine technical expertise with a passion for environmental stewardship, working towards a healthier and more sustainable planet.

An Environmental Science major from UNH COLSA offers a gateway to a rewarding career dedicated to the protection and preservation of our planet. No matter the career you choose, your contributions will make a significant impact on our environment and future generations. Embrace your passion for the environment, gain knowledge and hands-on experience at UNH COLSA, and embark on a journey to shape a sustainable future.