THRIVE Fall 2023

Study Examines Food Insufficiency Among LGBTQ+ New Englanders

UNH researchers found that New England’s LGBTQ+ residents experience a rate of food insufficiency that is two to three times higher than that found among cisgender New Englanders. Their findings are helping to highlight the ways existing policies and programs that address food insecurity. Read more

$10 Million NIH Grant Supports Continued Human Health and Disease Research

UNH’s Center of Integrated Biomedical and Bioengineering Research (CIBBR) has been granted a second $10 million award from the National Institutes of Health, enabling the center to continue advancing cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. Read more

Points of Interest

A legacy lives on in the donation of nearly 80,000 herbarium specimens; CIBBR research focuses on retinal degenerative diseases; UNH doctoral candidate creates syrups from non-maple trees; and a gift supports development of innovative student ideas. Read more

Advancing Knowledge Through Partnerships

COLSA partnership building spans the globe, resulting in new connections and partnerships with government and educational institutions in Puerto Rico and Bangladesh. Read more

Even Far Outside the Classroom, Students Are Transformed

Two COLSA study-abroad programs, EcoQuest: Ecology in Action and Livestock and Wildlife Management in Namibia, provide students with a global classroom. Read more

Fishy Business

A COLSA scientist is studying illegal fishing in developing countries and both legal and illegal fishing impacts local marine biodiversity and resources. Read more

Saving Sought-after Sea Snails

Global demand has diminished channeled whelk fisheries on the East Coast of the United States, however, one COLSA research is heading an effort to make the industry more sustainable. Read more

Growing the Family Business

COLSA alum Henry and Jeff Huntington of Please View Gardens in Loudon, NH, are making a name for themselves in the booming wholesale plant nursery business. Read more

Mitigating Threats to Africa’s Carnivores

Africa’s apex land predators, including lions, leopards and cheetahs, play important roles in ecosystem health across the continent according to research by a COLSA scientist. Read more

Caribbean Partnership Expands

COLSA faculty and students are building partnerships and launching new research projects in the Caribbean, in particular in the British Virgin Islands. Read more

Listen Up: Establishing COLSA’s Expertise in the Fascinating Field of Acoustic Ecology

Two new COLSA scientists are at the forefront of growing UNH’s research in the fascinating and rapidly advancing field of ecological acoustics. Read more

Where Permafrost Thaws: Researchers and Students Are Working to Understand Risks

COLSA scientists and students are traveling the globe to study thawing permafrost caused by rising temperatures and determine potential impacts could result. Read more

Whale Watcher

COLSA alum David Morin has built a career of studying and freeing whales from fishing gear in the North Atlantic. Read more

From Japan: Critical Training in Critical Zones

A group of COLSA faculty and students participated in a summer training in Japan focused on Critical Zone science—a growing research field centered on the topmost section of Earth’s crust. Read more

A Bit on Cucurbits

UNH’s legacy cucurbits program is continuing to thrive under new leadership, using genetics to develop new varieties and build upon 80-plus years of science. Read more

UNH College of Life Sciences & Agriculture: Global Reach

UNH COLSA scientists and scholars unite with experts worldwide to share knowledge and tackle unique challenges. Using the map below, explore just some of the global locations where COLSA research and programming takes place, and learn more about COLSA researchers, and the partners they collaborate with, working to advance science and education for all.

The UNH Cucurbit Research and Breeding Program: Advancing Plant Science

Forestry & Climate Science Exchange Program: UNH and Bangladesh

THRIVE Fall 2023

Published in September 2023

THRIVE is published by the UNH College of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Our goal is to inspire and inform our alumni, friends, faculty, staff and partners by sharing college news and celebrating faculty, alumni and student achievements as we work to continuously strengthen our commitment to research, teaching and public service. In the fall 2023 issue, we highlight COLSA’s connections and research around the globe.